His confession that he had terminal cancer and the most recent photos of him have devastated everyone.

Everyone was stunned to learn that Friends star James Michael Tyler had terminal cancer, and the most recent pictures of him are sad and have crushed everyone’s hearts.

James Michael Tyler, who portrayed the iconic series character Gunther, the manager of the café, disclosed that he has terminal cancer shortly after the film “Friends Reunion” hit theaters.

Everyone was surprised by the revelation, and since then, more pictures of him have appeared. James and his wife, who was 20 years younger, were discovered in a wheelchair. With his wife Jennifer, who is just 39 years old, he was captured in an emotional snapshot.

The two may be seen relaxing on the balcony in the paparazzi photographers’ shots. The actor, who seems pale and is dressed in a hat and sunglasses, is seated next to Jennifer in a wheelchair while she relaxes on a couch.

Everyone saw that the couple was holding hands, demonstrating their love for one another, and that the actor was being supported by his devoted wife as they worked to make as many memories as possible.

Many women are unsure of how to respond under these circumstances, and it is not uncommon for them to leave their loved ones and turn their backs, but this is not what James’ wife did.

The fans quickly complimented Jennifer since she was with him despite their disparity in age and did everything she could to help James feel loved.

James and Jennifer Carno favored privacy and withheld information about their relationship, until the first pictures of them surfaced in 2015.

Jennifer is a member of the creative departments for a number of well-known movies, including “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” and “You, Me, and Dupree.”

The 59-year-old actor disclosed during an interview that he was given the prostate cancer diagnosis in September 2018 during a regular medical checkup. He is getting treatment since the cancer has reached his bones and he is unable to walk.

“Eventually, you know, he’ll probably finish me,”

I was 56 at the time and they found PSA, which is a prostate-specific antigen. It was extraordinarily large, so I knew right away that something was wrong there.

My doctor called me and told me to see you the next day, he told me I might have a pretty serious prostate problem. James Michael Tyler: After missing another test during the pandemic, cancer spread to the bones, he revealed, and is now in stage four. “Terminal cancer,” the actor confirmed.

At the following appointment with the doctor, Tyler embraced the chance to encourage other men to get checkups. “There are other choices for men if they find the illness earlier than I did,” he explained.