Hugh Jackman has disclosed that he “recently had two biopsies done” after his doctor suspected him of having basal cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer.

The Australian actor, best known for appearing in The Wolverine, The Greatest Showman, and Les Misérables, urged his 31 million Instagram followers to wear sunscreen while discussing his latest health scare.
Hugh, 54, wore a nose plaster as he told followers: “I wanted you to hear it from me in case somebody saw me on the street. I recently had two biopsies.”
He said, “Basal cells may or may not exist. I’ll find out in two or three days and let you know as soon as I know.”
In the description of his post, the Golden Globe-winning actor added: “I’m sure you’ve heard me mention my basal cell carcinomas before.”
“If necessary, I will continue to discuss them. And if it reminds one person to wear sunscreen with a high SPF, I’ll be delighted.”
Hugh’s admirers reacted quickly, flooding the comments with their thoughts and prayers.
“I’m hoping it’s nothing. Thank you for utilizing your platform to help others,” one admirer remarked, while another added, “Praying for your health and best wishes.”

“Even with your celebrity, you are tremendously humble and realize we are all together. Thank you very much!” a third person said, while a fourth felt obligated to share: “Just booked an appointment with a dermatologist because of this article.”
Hugh, who resides in New York with his wife Deborra, reminded his adoring followers that basal cell cancer is a low-risk type but emphasized the necessity of sunscreen.

“Apply some sunblock. You’ll still have a fantastic time out there. Okay, fine. Please be cautious,” he went on.
The NHS describes basal cell carcinoma (BCC) as a tiny, bright pink or pearly-white tumor with a transparent or waxy look. It might also appear as a red, scaly patch. It is rarely lethal, but if not removed soon, it can be not very nice.
Since basal cell carcinoma rarely progresses to an advanced stage, chemotherapy is rarely used.