It is no secret that we are living in difficult times. While this has always been true, we now witness problems on a much more significant, global scale. The global impact of the Covid-19 epidemic has been enormous.
Prices have risen, resources are scarce, and wait times have increased dramatically due to a staff and supply deficit. Many industries are experiencing a labor shortage. The service industry has suffered significantly, putting many recent college graduates in difficulty.
People worldwide are attempting to adjust to life “post-Covid-19” and are striving to understand how its impact extends beyond the healthcare sector.

A TikTok user shared a video that sparked heated controversy. He is shown working at Starbucks in the video. He explains that he graduated from college with a degree in biology but is now unsure what he will do with it. His current employment involves making and serving coffee drinks, a far cry from his dream to study biology.
As a recent college graduate, he is understandably frustrated that his efforts and achievements have been in vain. Many TikTok users had conflicting reactions, with some offering advice and others being sympathetic and aware of the difficulties experienced by recent college graduates everywhere.
He is not the only individual, college graduate or not, who is having difficulty obtaining a job that fulfills their requirements.
Individuals are overqualified and looking for work that will pay them enough to keep up with market inflation.
Covid-19 created widespread health and safety issues and impacted various other factors. Naturally, one of those aspects was economics.
Numerous businesses have now closed owing to a lack of income, while others are attempting to adapt. Working from home used to be a prized career perk, but many people were given a choice, if not compelled, to do so during the epidemic.
They concluded that because they were happier, their career goals would have to accommodate that. As a result, fewer people were willing to be in the office or at work physically.
Regrettably, a physical presence is one of the most crucial parts of the service and food sectors. Employers are having difficulty hiring and retaining personnel due to this scarcity.
Several jobs are accessible due to the current labor market; theoretically, now is the time to get out and find work! It is projected that for every individual now looking for work, nearly two jobs are available.
So, what’s the catch? The fact that many of these potential employees are in the food, service, or retail industries are not publicly discussed.
This is a terrible reality for a college graduate who works hard to get ahead. According to Zippia, 21% of workers in the food service industry hold a bachelor’s degree.
While these professions are necessary, most graduate students attend college with the intention of finding a position that is more in line with their interests and professional aspirations. The prospect of desired employment, high salaries, and opportunities for advancement are common motivators for students to attend college.
If food sector occupations are the only jobs available, future generations may question if obtaining a college diploma is the best option for them.