Felicia LoAlbo-Melendez, an 11-year-old girl from New Jersey, attempted suicide in a school restroom on February 6 due to bullying. She was discovered by another student and was brought to a neighboring hospital in Philadelphia, where she died two days later.

Felicia’s death happened just two weeks after the end of her father, New Jersey Transit Police Detective Alexis Melendez, from pancreatic cancer. It also happened just a few days after she reported bullying to school administrators; regrettably, her appeals for aid were swept under the rug and mostly ignored.

“She had sent numerous emails to the administration detailing the events, but no one ever questioned her.” “They swept under the rug the bullying that she and so many other kids in that school experienced, and now they’re doing the same with this investigation,” Elaina LoAlbo, her mother, said.

While the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office conducted an investigation, which confirmed that she was alone in the bathroom at the time of her death, it did not result in any school officials being held accountable for failing to address the bullying. They are now considering closing the case.

Elaina sent one of her daughter’s emails to school administrators, mentioning an idea she had. “I was watching TV and thinking about things that had happened to me when I had a brilliant idea.” It would be a trauma club instead of a theatre club. I would assist and provide whatever assistance I could.”

Her daughter went on to say that she wasn’t the only one bullied at school. “I, for one, have heard from friends and others about things that have happened to them, and I think this would be a fantastic thing,” Felicia wrote in her email, adding that all she would need is a room some chairs.

Elaina stated in a Facebook post how she believes school authorities and detectives are sweeping her daughter’s issue under the rug without conducting a thorough investigation. She wishes to ensure that her daughter’s voice is heard and that no other mother or father is placed in a similar predicament – something must be done.

“Examples of bullying include mental anguish, emotional distress, physical harm, and, in extreme cases, death.” “It MUST STOP PERIOD, whether the child bullied committed suicide or was physically harmed by their bully,” she said on Facebook, asking others to take action against bullying.

Felicia’s friend’s father, Seth Turner, appeared at a school board meeting in March, characterizing Felicia as one of the brightest kids he knew. His daughter informed him that Felicia was being bullied, but he is now sorry for not reporting instructors ‘in time for anything to be done.’

“While no response to the death of an 11-year-old girl can ever be truly adequate,” Seth remarked, “our response to this tragedy has been pathetic.” “Felicia deserves better. She deserves a thorough investigation, a full accounting, and the truth — and I hope we can provide it to her.”

Felicia LoAlbo-Melendez was characterized in her obituary as a fan of anime, theater, Halloween, Krav Maga (an Israeli martial art), crafts, and reading. She enjoyed traveling, finding new things, and letting her imagination run wild. Her mother, two older brothers, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins survive her.

“She was the kind of compassionate person everyone wishes to be.” Felicia was genuinely compassionate and selfless, and her radiant demeanor encouraged others. “She was the most loving daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, cousin, and friend who will be greatly missed,” according to her obituary. May her voice be heard at long last!