Audrey Hepburn, an icon, became invincible with her performance as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
She is still commonly discussed today since she had such a significant impact on pop culture.
Even though the actress has been dead for a long time, her granddaughter Emma Ferrer resembles her.
Emma Ferrer was born on April 20, 1994. Her paternal grandmother, the famed Audrey Hepburn, had died over a year before. Ferrer, in fact, never met her grandmother, but she has learned a lot about her over the last 28 years.

She has a broad idea of what her late grandmother was like as a person and performer based on watching movies in which her grandmother appeared or information provided to her by family members.
“Slowly, I started going to friends’ houses and seeing her in a poster in their kitchen or on a T-shirt or handbag.” “I was like, ‘I guess this is a bigger deal than I thought,” Ferrer explained in an interview.
“She revolutionized what we take for granted today… having a celebrity of her magnitude associated with a cause like she was,” said Ferrer of her grandmother. “But at the time — I’m not sure we can appreciate how revolutionary that was.”
According to Ferrer, working directly with UNICEF provides her and the author with “a way for me to feel a connection to her that… I’ve struggled to feel otherwise.”

Even though they may not have connected on a personal level, Emma Ferrer shares her grandmother’s stunning looks. The young woman, who works as an artist, shares her grandmother’s dark hair and expressive eyes.
Emma’s father is Sean Hepburn Ferrer, the late actress’s oldest child from her first marriage to actor Mel Ferrer. She has another son, Luca Dotti, from her second marriage to Italian physician Andrea Dotti.
Emma describes how her father has told her stories about her late grandmother that she would not have heard otherwise.
“There’s an intimacy in what my father tells me about her and the stories people who knew her tell me,” Ferrer added.

“While on set, she would use her lunch break to prepare lunch for the entire crew.” She did this renowned — I believe it was a series on gardens worldwide with this… prominent news TV presenter. This newswoman had a stain on her shirt, so my grandmother removed it and washed it at her hotel room dry cleaner.”
“These little things, she always brought flowers, and if you were staying at her house, she would bring breakfast in bed,” Ferrer added. “She just did these little things that made her seem like the best, nicest person,” Ferrer says of what she knows and has heard.
Ferrer also praises her grandmother’s decision to prioritize her family over her job.
“She had this massive career and took huge steps back from it when my father and his brother were born. She put her entire career on the line for them, turning down movies where her agency and husband were like, ‘What are you doing? You must take on this role,” Ferrer declares boldly.

It is said that Hepburn’s acts were inspired by her father-child relationships as a child. According to sources, she had a “really fraught” relationship with her father, Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston. “She understood what it meant to have that pain with parents,” Ferrer continues, “and so I think she took her relationship with her kids very seriously.”
She also emphasizes how her grandmother was “a child of a generation afflicted by war,” which influenced her outlook and existence.
“She began her career as a ballerina, but that did not work out.” And then she was thrown into this world of Hollywood — and I think that coming off the heels of WWII… everything was moving faster,” Ferrer remarked.

According to Ferrer, even though Hepburn’s family was aristocratic, the fact that they were “living off of bread” during the war made her realize, “I’ll never be so attached to material things, no matter what.”
As a result, the items Hepburn left behind are “not very valuable,” per speaking, but are “precious,” according to Ferrer.
“I have her old linen teddy bear with a coffee stain on it, and it’s still on my bed at my dad’s house.” And I have sweaters I’ve worn so many times over the years that I forget they’re hers,” she continued.
She also has some costume jewelry from movies that her grandmother wore. “They’re not valuable metals at all,” she explains, “but it’s a nice way to feel like… she’s teaching me things.”
Her grandmother has also taught her that life is far more important than anything else. Her grandma, she claimed, was “putting the life of a child before politics, before anything else.” “She was never political,” she adds.

She worries about what her grandmother thinks about the world’s current predicament. “I would love to have…,” she says. a trailer for everything that has happened since she died, and then just said, ‘Alright, so, hit me. ‘How are you feeling today?’”
Ferrer adds that watching her grandmother’s movies to get to know her might be a bittersweet experience. “It’s a very abstract thing,” she says, “and I’m surprised you picked up on that.” “It’s this dichotomy of wishing I had had the chance to know her and feeling intimidated by who she is,” she continues. … In that manner, it’s a little like a push and pulls.”
“Something that my dad always says about her, which I think is so interesting, is that no one has anything bad to say about Audrey Hepburn ever, which is so true,” she says of her grandmother. “What could you possibly say bad about her?”
Because Audrey Hepburn’s granddaughter Emma Ferrer was never able to meet her grandma, it is lovely to see how she is preserving her grandmother’s memory.
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