Because he “didn’t want another woman,” Tina Turner’s second husband sacrificed his organ to save her life.

Do you recall Tina Turner’s strong vocals screaming out “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” The well-known singer behind numerous hits has had an adventurous life. And has recently encountered some health issues…

Tina Turner is a well-known singer recognized for her strong vocals. The mega-star has slowed down in recent years due to health and personal concerns.

Throughout, her husband, Erwin Bach, has been loyal in his support.

They began making music together, but their bond eventually grew more intimate. Tina and Ike married in Tijuana, Mexico in 1962, just a few years after their first meeting.

While their marriage appeared to be picture-perfect on the surface, it was collapsing on the inside. Tina reported in her book ‘My Love Story’ years later that the marriage was brutal, both physically and verbally.

She described Ike’s behavior and how he would become physically aggressive whenever he believed Tina had disrespected him in any way.

The assault continued for years until Tina decided enough was enough and divorced Ike in 1976.

Following this, the mega-star was determined to remain unmarried. Until she happened to meet Erwin Bach by coincidence.

Tina met Erwin when his work sent him to pick her up from the airport. Tina was about to play in Germany when she met her now-husband, a 30-year-old EMI music executive.

Tina later noted that it drew her in right away. “He had the most beautiful face,” she said. ” It was impossible to overlook. My heart skipped a beat. It denotes the meeting of two souls. My hands were trembling. And when Roger said to me, ‘Tina, you ride with Erwin,’ I wanted to shout, ‘Yay!’”

He admitted to having reservations, warning her that romance seldom ends well. But she ignored all of that and made an effort to get to know Erwin better.

Tina invited Erwin to visit her in the United States, which he accepted. Tina was confident Erwin was the one when the couple met in her area of the world. His unpretentious and laid-back demeanor drew him to the vocalist.

The pair is still madly in love today. “It’s love,” Erwin told the press. ” It’s something we both have in common. I always call it an electrical charge.  I still have that feeling even though I left her two hours ago. It’s in my blood. This makes me very happy.”

Erwin chose to propose to Tina on her 50th birthday. He was expecting a good response but was astonished when the diva declined, citing her horrible marriage experience as the reason.

Tina subsequently stated, “I said, ‘I don’t have a response.’  It wasn’t a yes or a no. Marriage denotes ownership. I didn’t want anything to do with ‘mine’ anymore. That was enough for me.”

However, Erwin and Tina’s love did not waver, and the two continued on. Erwin’s continuous commitment persuaded the singer to try marriage for the second time, and she accepted his proposal nearly three decades after the initial question.

The couple married on their lavish house in Switzerland. Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King were among those in attendance at the wedding.

Tina looked stunning in a Giorgio Armani dress decorated with Swarovski crystals. Tina was overjoyed with the ceremony and stated that it had gone precisely as she had hoped.

The couple lives in their lovely home in the Zurich district of Kuesnacht. The property overlooks Lake Zurich and is said to offer the impression of being in a palace.

Tina has lived in the quiet of her Swiss home full-time since retiring from performing in 2009. When she became a Swiss citizen, the singer even gave up her American citizenship.

Turner describes her life in Switzerland as “wonderful,” and she is well-known throughout Europe. “I’m as big as Madonna in Europe,” she remarked in an interview. ” In certain places, I’m as big as the Rolling Stones.”

Tina’s life had just settled down when she received some bad health news. Tina received the diagnosis of kidney cancer in 2016. Regular dialysis or a kidney transplant were her only options. The latter would allow her to live a semi-normal life, but kidney donors were rare.

Fortunately for her, Erwin stepped in. Her husband paid the ultimate sacrifice in order to save his wife.

“He stated that he did not desire another woman or another life.” Then he surprised me. “He stated he wanted to donate one of his kidneys to me,” she said.

Tina’s health improved after Erwin’s sacrifice. And just as things were starting to look up again, her life took another tragic turn.

Craig Turner, Tina Turner’s firstborn son, died. He was Tina’s son from a previous relationship, but Ike Turner had legally adopted him.

Craig Turner was discovered dead from a gunshot wound he inflicted on himself. Tina was devastated by the terrible death of her kid. Throughout it all, however, Bach remained Tina’s pillar of strength.

Turner revealed that the flame in their love was still very much alive.

“Erwin and I have been together for nearly 30 years and he still writes me love letters – isn’t that romantic?” she captioned a photo of the couple kissing.

Tina Turner and Erwin Bach’s relationship proves that pure love can overcome any obstacles.

Share their love story with others to give them hope that true love will find them.