Before knowing her identity, the restaurant manager evicted an elderly woman.

88-year-old Rain loved the meal at this restaurant. Her favorite place to sit was at the window table. She ate alone every day, ordering the daily specials. Rain’s day was made complete by the experience. The restaurant manager eventually kicks her out and later regrets his action after discovering who she is.

Rain, a regular client, was adored by the restaurant staff. She was a ray of brightness who never failed to congratulate her waitress. Then, one day, she entered the premises with trepidation and ate her dinner alone. She ate her dinner, stood up, and left without paying.

The medical team who was caring for her wondered what had happened. But what exactly was it? He knew she was a regular and would return, so he didn’t bother following her to ask for the money. Then he noticed something unexpected.

Rain didn’t always go to the restaurant on her own. She and her husband had eaten there when it first opened and had since become regulars. They also spent their 30th wedding anniversary there, dancing till late at night.

Unfortunately, her husband became ill and died a year later. It was a terrible time for Rain. She gradually deteriorated from the vibrant person she once was. She didn’t like having visitors, going out, or eating a lot.

Until Rain received a letter one day. It was from the restaurant, and it emphasized Rain’s conspicuous absence while also offering her a complimentary dinner. It gave her the motivation she needed to move on from her loss. Rain made the courageous decision to eat at the restaurant by herself, even though it was not easy.

Rain has gone through a lot in the last three months, but the restaurant has remained the same. The environment was inviting, and the aroma from the kitchen was wonderful. The restaurant owner, who had known Rain for 30 years, sat next to her at the window table to reassure her that he would be there for her. It was a great evening and the beginning of a new chapter in her life. She gradually regained her previous vivacious personality and returned to the restaurant on a daily basis.

The hospital then called, and Rain answered. It was the test result she had received a week before. She was nervous and unsure of what to expect. Rain was diagnosed with blood cancer by her doctor. Rain’s heart has been slashed open with a knife. She asked about the seriousness and timing limits. The doctor informed Rain that her disease was terminal and that she had between six months and a year to live.

Rather than giving up, Rain returned to the restaurant that had once helped her through a difficult time. However, the restaurant had recently changed. It had a new supervisor who was harsh with the employees and was unaware of Rain’s connection to the company.

He was never nice to the personnel and despised seeing them having fun. Customers lowered their frequency of visits as the restaurant’s ambiance darkened. Employees who were previously happy arrived at work gloomy.

Rain left the hospital and went straight to the restaurant. As soon as she sat at her window-side table, the staff swiftly brought in the day’s specialties. Rain tried to strike up a conversation, but the manager’s gaze was fixed on them.

When the manager approached her, he said, “This restaurant only serves paying customers. Because we are not a charity, it makes no difference how excellent everyone thinks you are.” Rain scribbled something on a sheet of paper with a pen, placed it on the table, and silently walked away. Rain’s note was discovered by her server, Robin, when he was clearing the table. Out of curiosity, he read the note. Robin screamed. What did he just read?

Words with the power to change everything

“To the restaurant employees, I’ve been coming here for almost 30 years,” the note said. ” I’ve seen several changes at the restaurant, such as employee layoffs and new recruits. There are various menu changes. But I’ve always been present.”

This was a fantastic experience for me. Even through terrible times, you were always there for me. Due to my elderly age and illness, I would like to leave you with enough money to express my gratitude.

“The manager will not receive a dime of my money,” was scrawled in pen at the bottom. “And I’m going to inform the owner about him.”