Albinism is a genetic condition that affects 1 in 18,000 people born in the United States every year.
According to Mayo Clinics, “Albinism is caused by a mutation in one of these genes. Different types of albinism can occur, based mainly on which gene mutation caused the disorder. The mutation may result in no melanin at all or a significantly reduced amount of melanin.”

The two famous brothers,
Bera and Tsotne Ivanishvili, sons of Georgia’s richest man, and the country’s former prime minister were born with Albinism.
The brothers didn’t have an easy life as people often had different opinions about their special attributes.
Bera was born in 1994 and Tsotne came 11 years after. In school, it was even harder for them, as they always stood out amongst others and many of their peers didn’t want to associate with them. Their support was their parent.

Bera told Wired, “I don’t think I’ve ever been in a place without being stared at. But growing up different, as an albino kid, it was never a problem for me because of my parents.”
“When someone is just born this way, standing out, they’re gonnahate this person for being born different. They’re being jealous, and evil. I dealt with it. Like a gangster. Do you know? Yes, it gave me that warrior mentality. But everyone is not made for this,” Bera’smother, Ekaterine said.

Bera already had a taste of what it felt like to be teased because of his looks, and his brother was no different. When Tsotne became of age, he pleaded with his parents for him to get schooled.
The brothers didn’t let what people had to say about them get to their skin, instead, they learned how to be confident and harness their unique nature.

Bera loves singing and decided to pursue a career in music and is doing great for himself. Today he’s married to his NanukaGudadvadza; they got married in 2018 and welcomed a child a year after.
Tsotne Ivanishvili isn’t also left out, as he is creative as well and he posts his paintings on his page.
They both helped each other grow and built an unbreakable bond.

Bera recalled seeing his younger brother for the first time, “And he was just like me. And he saw that he can be different and society can love you and, you know, the females can love you. You know, it’s important.”