The COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly turned many people’s plans into a bitter disappointment. Some others were forced to postpone plans they had been looking forward to for weeks, months, or even years. Many people used their travel savings as survival money. Additionally, the couples had to postpone their wedding plans.

Due to the pandemic’s restrictions, one bride had to remove many guests from her wedding guest list. She could only invite those she considered significant. But then her aunt sent her an RSVP for the wedding, which made her feel even worse. She shared a photo of the RSVP on Reddit, quickly gaining popularity.

Bride receives petty wedding RSVP

Sour Wedding RSVP

She was deeply saddened when the bride in the story got her aunt Edith’s wedding RSVP. According to reports, the bride had to be very picky about who she invited to her wedding because of the COVID-19 pandemic’s restrictions. In 2020, she was supposed to get married.

You probably remember that there was a lot of anxiety and apprehension at that time. She could only invite 50 individuals. According to the usual number of weddings, this is a drastic decrease.

Aunt Edith was surprised that the invitation did not include her boyfriend, Danny. She returned the bride’s wedding RSVP in spite because her being so outraged at the thought of him not being invited. It was now dripping with crude remarks. The bride decided to share the RSVP on Reddit. The internet was mocking Aunt Edith’s nasty attitude as it immediately went viral.

Maid of Honor to the Rescue

The maid of honor for the bride commented on the wedding RSVP and added to her friend’s justification. She clarified that it had just been two years since Aunt Edith and Danny started dating. She also said that Danny was, to put it mildly, “unpleasant.” Here’s the OP’s maid of honor, according to Art3miss_Gunter.

To be clear, 50 people is our region’s maximum number of meetings owing to covid. Aunt Edith has been dating Danny for two years and is the OP’s fiance’s aunt. They have only occasionally encountered Danny, who hasn’t greatly impacted their lives.

Danny is disagreeable and, at best, tolerable. He is not regarded as an uncle by them. Further, all guests were told before the invite that numbers were reduced to bare bones due to covid restrictions.

Bride's maid of honor commented on wedding RSVP post

Internet Sided With the Bride

One person shared a similar story in a comment on the bride’s article about the wedding RSVP: They wrote, “How dramatic!”I have a cousin who hasn’t talked to me since I told him he couldn’t bring his unknowing girlfriend to my home wedding. Even when I’m right beside them, my aunt—his mother—gives me the silent treatment.

Another guy remarked, “This is a win-win situation. The thought of being obliged to welcome individuals merely because they are related has always bothered me. Stupid sounds. Your day to rejoice is a wedding.

They haven’t spoken to me in years because I purposefully didn’t invite my racist relative to my wedding. It ended up being a greater wedding gift than a material object! You should only ask those you believe will add to the party’s enjoyment. It prevents it from becoming a stuffy, formal event.

Then someone another said of the wedding RSVP, “Good riddance. Of course, it’s easier said than done, but you don’t want that attitude on your special day. Oh my…looks like a bullet dodged for you, wrote a fourth person.