This puppy is really sweet, and it doesn’t mind helping a blind dog with daily tasks because they have such a strong bond.

The little dog is extremely kind to lead and guard his friend; they are both so adorable.

Tao, a gorgeous senior Golden Retriever, and his mother, Melanie Jackson, have shared a long and fulfilling life together. The twelve-year-old dog’s happy life, however, a year ago, he was infected with glaucoma and lost his vision.

But just when Tao was about to give up hope, a little beam of light appeared and changed the course of his life.

One year ago, Jackson took her cherished dog Tao to the doctor when he unexpectedly started displaying symptoms of discomfort. Just a few hours after the ache first started, Tao entirely lost vision in one of his eyes and started shaking his head as though in pain.

Tao’s blind eye had to be removed after the veterinarian determined that Tao had glaucoma. A condition which causes to accumulate inside the eye, causing raised intraocular pressure, which causes pain, redness, and vision loss. Tao sadly experienced bilateral glaucoma, which can impair one or both eyes.

Tao’s remaining eye had to be removed after his other eye was removed due to extreme pressure.

Jackson was concerned for her lovely child.

Surprisingly, after all that, the most important part of his body, Tao still remains happy. That’s because he knew one thing for sure: his family wouldn’t leave him.

Tao adapted to being blind rather quickly. He learned how to climb the stairs by himself in just a few days, and he was even able to go for walks without a leash.

Jackson thought she needed to improve Tao’s life in some way, and that is when Oko started to be Tao’s guide.

Oko is an eight-week-old Golden retriever puppy with a happy disposition and a pure heart. Jackson recognized the puppy as the kind of vivacious friend Tao needed since it oozed love and joy.

As was to be expected, Tao had an instant connection with the adorable, fluffy ball of fur that seemed to follow his every move.

Soon Tao and Oko were eating, sleeping, playing, and cuddling together as one. They made each other incredibly happy and were obviously the ideal couple.

With Oko by his side, he could fully appreciate and capitalize on his newfound vigor and love of life. Since he was no longer in agony, He felt and appeared to be several years younger.

Currently, Oko serves as Tao’s own personal seeing-eye dog. When they are out and about, Tao has trained to be close to Oko because he knows he can keep him safe and on course.

Jackson is ensuring that Oko fulfills his obligations and avoids getting Tao into trouble because he is still energetic and playful little puppy.

Jackson said: “Tao is being trained to follow Oko’s scent and Oko to listen and respond to my directions to “stop, wait, go right, go left.”

In an effort to determine what genes were responsible for Tao’s glaucoma, Jackson has started bringing attention to canine glaucoma.

We couldn’t be happier for the two goldens because it is obvious in every photo how much they adore and cherish one another.Let’s hope for them the best!!!

Tao has experienced so much love, joy, and adventure thanks to Oko, and we know he will always be thankful to his mother for bringing him into their lives.

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