Fans of the great actor Bill Murray are in tears.

Murray almost committed suicide as a young comedian. In a 2014 interview that has just gone viral, the celebrity described his early years as a comedian playing in Chicago.

He claimed he “wasn’t very good” and had little “desire to stay alive” when he first began.

“I recall my first performance on stage; I was so horrible that I simply stepped out onto the street and began walking.”

After a few hours of traveling, he understood that he had gone the wrong way, not just in terms of where he would live but also in terms of his desire to survive.

One day, the actor went to Lake Michigan to commit suicide.

“If I’m going to die, I might wander around for a bit,” he commented.

However, the suicidal comic never committed suicide.

Murray was on his way to the lake when he noticed the Art Institute of Chicago and felt compelled to go inside.

He stated that he entered “because I was ready to die.”

The 1884 painting “The Song of the Lark” depicted a peasant woman in a field with a magnificent orange sunrise.

“I’ve always appreciated this artwork,” he said in an interview years after the incident.

“I remember seeing that day and thinking, ‘Well, there’s a female who doesn’t have many chances, but the sun is rising anyhow, so she’s got another try at it.’”

“That, I suppose, gave me the idea that I am a person with a second chance every morning as the sun rises.”

Murray has been open about his depression symptoms his entire life.

“No one could make me smile, no one could make me glad in any manner,” he said in a Washington Post article on his feelings after a breakup. “I was an unfortunate character for a long time.”

According to the Movember Foundation, three out of every four men in the UK commit suicide.

The Samaritans helpline, 116 123, and other helplines listed on the NHS website are available 24 hours a day for anyone having suicidal thoughts.

Regardless of the intricacy of the causes, mental health difficulties such as depression are key deciding factors for suicide ideation.