Following a petition calling for Whoopi Goldberg’s removal from The View some months after her Holocaust comments, she is doubling down.

Whoopi Goldberg is still under fire months after a petition demanding for her resignation was circulated in response to statements she made regarding the Holocaust. Whoopi revealed her thoughts on whether or not being Jewish should be categorized as a race in a new interview with The Sunday Times of London.

Whoopi Goldberg released an apology letter earlier this year, in January, for her choice of words. During a filming of her show, The View, Goldberg made a statement asserting that “the Holocaust isn’t about race.”

Goldberg made these remarks when the cast was debating the Tennessee school district’s decision to prohibit “Maus,” a novel about the Holocaust’s atrocities. She’s now doubling down on that belief.

“‘Not for nothing is there no spot on the census for the Jewish race,” my best friend said. So that makes me think we’re not in a race,’” she told The Sunday Times of London. Journalist Janice Turner responded, citing “racially divisive legislation enacted by Nazis directed against Jews.”

Goldberg pushed back, stating that the Holocaust “wasn’t originally” about “racial” or “physical” characteristics. “They were killing people they thought were mentally sick. Then they made this choice.”

“The Nazis considered Jews as a race,” Turner went on. “Yes, but isn’t that the killer? Your oppressor tells you who you are. Why do you believe them? They’re the Nazis. Why should I believe what they’re saying?” Goldberg replied.

And, as with her statements in January, Goldberg is facing backlash.

According to CNN, Goldberg was astonished that the school district seemed to take issue with the novel’s nudity rather than the Holocaust itself. “If you’re going to do it, let’s be honest about it, because the Holocaust was not about race.”

“Well, this is White people doing it to White people, therefore y’all going to fight among yourselves,” she continued. Her remarks infuriated many people, and Goldberg swiftly apologized on Twitter.

“On today’s broadcast, I stated that the Holocaust is about man’s inhumanity to man, not race. It should have been stated that it is about both. ‘The Holocaust was about the Nazis’ systematic destruction of the Jewish people — who they judged to be an inferior race,’” said Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti-Defamation League.

My support for the Jewish people around the world has never wavered, and it will never do so. “I apologize for causing you pain.”

Despite the fact that Whoopi Goldberg is still hosting The View after several months, the Metro reports that a petition with over 45,121 signatures has been circulated demanding for her to step down as presenter of the famous daytime show. hosts the petition. “Whoopi has made numerous racial remarks that have ruffled feathers,” the petition stated.

“However, her most recent comments against Holocaust survivors and the whole Jewish community are repugnant. When it comes to matters like these, apologies are insufficient. This will not be forgotten.”

We, the people of the United States, demand that she be removed from the daytime television show The View for her heinous words and behavior.”

Whoopi was suspended for two weeks for her claims, but she has since returned to the show. It’s uncertain whether the show will consider this petition. The petition seeks 50,000 signatures.

ABC has not yet responded to the petition.