Every time the charming Jennifer Lopez appears in front of the public, they are used to seeing her with her hair pulled back into a ponytail and her makeup applied flawlessly.

Yet, it’s possible that posting a picture of herself without cosmetics or Photoshop would have been unusual a few months ago.

This might have happened as a result of growing weary of the monotony the pandemic had brought about. The artist is shown in the photo, which was taken over the weekend, looking freshly awake while donning a robe and sporting tousled hair.

She wished her followers a nice morning in the caption. With 2.5 million likes and a large number of comments, this photo has garnered a lot of interest from followers.

Although having just turned 51 years old, many people have remarked on how youthful and beautiful Jennifer appears. In reaction, several admirers even started posting their own morning selfies.

When asked how she stays so young-looking, Jennifer acknowledged that getting enough sleep is crucial since it gives the body time to recover and slows the aging process.

Every night, she makes sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep. She also thinks that one’s appearance might serve as a mirror for one’s inner contentment and calm. Thus, a cheerful woman exudes beauty.