A person’s ideal weight depends on several factors, such as:

Frame size
Fat and muscle proportion
According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average weight, height, and waist measurement for American adults age 20 years and older is:

Average weight: 170.5 pounds
Average height: 5 feet, 3.6 inches tall
Average waist measurement: 38.7 inches
Average weight: 197.8 pounds
Average height: 5 feet, 9 inches tall
Average waist measurement: 40.3 inches

Although these are averages, they do not imply that these weights are healthy. The average American adult’s body mass index (BMI), a measurement based on height and weight that can estimate total body fat, was 29.6 for women and 29.1 for men, both considered overweight, according to the CDC.

How Does BMI Help Determine Ideal Weight?
BMI (body mass index) is a metric doctors use to determine whether or not a person is overweight and to what extent. BMI is frequently used to calculate desirable weight ranges. BMI does not correspond with age in adults.

BMI is used slightly differently in children, in that it is calculated the same way as it is for adults, but then the ranges are compared to percentiles for children of the same age and sex.

BMI is calculated from the weight and square of the height:

BMI = body weight (in kg) ÷ height (in meters) squared

BMI less than 18.5: Below normal weight
BMI 18.5 to under 24.9: Normal weight
BMI 25 to under 29.9: Overweight
BMI 30 to under 34.9: Class I Obesity
BMI 35 to under 39.9: Class II Obesity
BMI 40 or greater: Class III Obesity

HeightWeight (based on normal BMI of 19–24)
4’10”91–115 lbs.
4’11”94–119 lbs.
5’0″97–123 lbs.
5’1″100–127 lbs.
5’2″104–131 lbs.
5’3″107–135 lbs.
5’4″110–140 lbs.
5’5″114–144 Ibs.
5’6″118–148 lbs.
5’7″121–153 lbs.
5’8″125–158 lbs.
5’9″128–162 lbs.
5’10”132–167 lbs.
5’11”136–172 lbs.
6’0″140–177 lbs.
6’1″144–182 lbs.
6’2″148–186 lbs.
6’3″152–192 lbs.