“I’m sitting in the Kroger parking lot, gathering my thoughts. While I was inside collecting groceries, I noticed a young girl dancing down the aisle, making a big noise.”
“When I looked around, I saw a young lady wearing huge boots in comparison to her small body. At first, I just chuckled and went about my business. But I ended up in the checkout line behind her and her mother.”
“As good southerners do, we struck up a conversation.”
“I complemented the young lady on her shoes. She started talking with a wide grin on her face.”

“She informed me those boots belonged to her father. His birthday was today, but he was killed in ‘Afghan Stan’ last year. She was allowed to wear his boots to cheer herself up for the day.”
“Like her mother, I started crying, as did the cashier.”
“The man in front of me must have overheard the story and decided to give the small girl one of the dozen cupcakes he was buying. He encouraged the young girl to always eat a cupcake on her father’s birthday.”
“He informed her that because her father was a hero, she should be proud to be his daughter.” Please remember why we have the chance to enjoy America. Let us remember those who fight for the freedom we so often take for granted!