Jane Fonda Rejects Criticism After Radical Political Joke On The View

Jane Fonda is a well-known activist known for her liberal political ideas and outspoken personality. In a recent appearance on “The View,” the actress gave a furious opinion on abortion laws.

Joy Behar, co-host, highlighted a film about abortion in which guest Lily Tomlin starred. This prompted Behar to mention the Roe v. Wade decision and the fact that it is now illegal for Walgreens to sell abortion drugs in some states.

Fonda responded, “We’ve had many decades of having control over our bodies, of choosing when and how many children to have. We understand how that feels. We’ve seen what that’s done to our life. We are not returning. I don’t care about the laws.”

Behar then asked Fonda what she intended to do other than march and protest, to which she replied, “Murder.”

Even though she was joking, the scene has gone viral on Twitter, and many people are outraged by Fonda’s statements.

Jane Fonda defends her use of “murder” as “exaggeration.”

Jane Fonda’s appearance on “The View” sparked outrage in the media, with many conservatives denouncing her choice of words and portraying her use of “murder” as a severe threat.

According to one user, “Jane Fonda advocates for assassinating pro-life leaders and activists. This is criminal violent incitement. Could someone kindly inform the FBI that she is a soccer parent attending a school board meeting so that they can investigate?”

According to another tweet, “she owes the country a massive apology.” However, several defended her, with one user tweeting, “For those outraged by Jane Fonda advocating that some conservative lawmakers be assassinated, where is that same anger when a speaker at CPAC calls for the extinction of trans people?”

Fonda has responded to the backlash by standing by her remark. “Although women’s reproductive rights are a very serious topic and highly important to me, my comment on ‘The View’ was done in jest,” she said in a statement to the Daily Beast.

“My body language and tone made it evident to those in the room — and to everyone watching — that I was employing hyperbole to make a point,” she said, explaining the context of her word choice.

She also mentioned that people are preoccupied with “tangential issues” and “passing jokes.” Focusing on these characteristics, she claims, distracts from the more severe challenges women face with their bodies.