Julie Walters recalls the awful symptoms that preceded her’surprise’ cancer diagnosis.

Supporters of Dame Julie Walters will be pleased to learn that the actress has recorded for an upcoming Channel 4 series six years after she quit acting, stating it was “never good for her” and partly blaming the craft on her cancer diagnosis. Walters was diagnosed with what type of cancer?

Walters, 72, was spotted filming for her first significant TV role in many years in June of last year. Truelove, the film that drew the adored Dame out of retirement, tells the story of friends who gather at a funeral and agree that if one of them becomes ill, they will plan their funeral.

“I had practically stopped acting… But, then I read Truelove,” Walters explained. “I was blown away by the writing – the dark humor, the love story, and the thriller element placed against the backdrop of what happens to us all as we get older.”

Walters stopped acting after receiving a shocking colon cancer diagnosis in 2018, which she announced to famous journalist Victoria Derbyshire.

Walters went to her doctor after experiencing “slight discomfort” that suddenly turned into severe stomach pain, heartburn, and vomiting. Her doctor discovered that she had an irregularity within her intestine.

In response to the “shock” diagnosis, Walters recalled that it was “all systems go” to have it treated and cure her of the life-threatening ailment that kills over 16,000 people in the UK each year.

In the midst of the fear of treating the ailment, Walters was relieved that she would be able to retire from performing.

“I don’t want to work anymore,” she declared. “‘What do you suppose caused cancer,’ the oncologist asked?” The acting was the first thing that came to mind.

“Acting caused it because of how I approach it — I must be wholly immersed in it. It’s pretty stressful. You are being evaluated. It’s a demanding profession, and I don’t get much sleep. It’s not healthy for me.”

“A part of me thought, ‘Oh my God! I have cancer! Oh my goodness!’ Now I’m dealing with the aftermath, and it’s all systems go to get it taken care of. But there was also an element of going, ‘I don’t have to do any more work. ‘I think I can get off this treadmill.”

“Because I had been working extremely hard, it seemed like a good excuse not to accomplish anything. Cancer takes precedence above all other considerations. So there was a strange sense of comfort in it. But I needed something to hold myself back.”

Thankfully, Walters got chemotherapy and was given the all-clear by physicians, but her decision to retire from acting remained the same; she needed a break.

Walters was diagnosed with stage three bowel cancer, which means cancer had spread to adjacent lymph nodes but had not impacted any other regions of his body. Doctors discovered two giant tumors in her large intestine, the root cause of her problems.

According to Bowel Cancer UK, identifying symptoms of bowel cancer is crucial in getting the ailment diagnosed and treated as soon as feasible. “Knowing the symptoms of colon cancer could save your life,” according to their website.

Symptoms can vary from person to person, as documented by Walters, who felt stomach ache, heartburn, and vomiting. In other circumstances, symptoms may not be caused by cancer since other health disorders cause them. Yet, regardless of the reason, acting on signs is critical.

Those who keep a diary of their symptoms may be able to convey them to their doctor. According to Bowel Cancer UK, doing so will provide the doctor with a good indicator of whether or not they require further tests.

A tumor can sometimes block the colon, causing severe stomach pain, bloating, and feeling or being ill. Individuals may be unable to empty their bowels or pass wind at this stage. This is known as an intestinal blockage.

Walters underwent surgery to remove 30cm of her lower intestine, followed by chemotherapy – the most common therapy for the illness.

Other potential treatment options include radiotherapy and targeted therapies, the latter of which is a newer class of drugs that improves the efficacy of chemotherapy and stops cancer from spreading.

Hospitals frequently provide support services to those who have had bowel cancer, with healthcare professionals conducting regular follow-up meetings to see how you are dealing physically and emotionally.

In Walters’ instance, she assured Derbyshire that “everything is good” after her operation, and now the celebrity is back in the spotlight.