After winning American Idol in 2002 and becoming the nation’s favorite singer, Kelly Clarkson is unabashedly pleased with her body. She refuses to participate in the beauty circus that calls for celebrities to have picture-perfect bodies.
The multi-award-winning singer and TV host Clarkson advises that artists shift the narrative away from one that now permits aesthetic judgments to one that rewards talents above all else.

When she won over Simon Cowell, who is notoriously difficult to please, Clarkson was just 20 years old. From there, her career took off, and she achieved several successes.
The two songs Clarkson played in the American Idol finale in 2002, “Before Your Love” and “A Moment Like This,” shattered The Beatles’ record for the most significant jump to number one in the Billboard Hot 100 charts’ history.
The anthem was also sung at the NBA Finals and the 2012 Super Bowl by Clarkson, a soprano whose voice can reach the whistle register, the highest range of the human voice.

The endearing Kelly Clarkson, now 41, served as a judge on the singing contests Duets and The Voice. She also hosts her chat show, The Kelly Clarkson Show, which is in its fourth season and has garnered 13 Daytime Emmy Awards for its popularity and idea.
The “Since U Been Gone” singer also writes children’s books, which contain lullabies she wrote and sang in addition to juggling her hectic work as a TV host and musician with being a single mother of two—she divorced her husband of eight years in 2021—while juggling her busy career.
Despite her many awards and diverse style, including everything from country music to rock and pop, online viewers continue to focus on her weight gain.

She reveals to Redbook that she has mastered the art of noise cancellation. “Nobody genuinely cares about your well-being. They have an eye for beauty. I’m happiest when I’m overweight. There must be something wrong with her, they assume. She is gaining weight. I exclaim, “Oh, no! I’m sorry, but that’s what happiness looks like in my emotional world. Being skinny usually indicates that I’m not doing well,” Clarkson continued.
“If you base your decisions in life on what other people think, you’ll live in continual anxiety while attempting to appease everyone. People should focus on their life, health, and happiness and be content with whatever it looks like.”
Due to society’s obsession with perfection and physical perfection, Clarkson has endured criticism of her shifting weight from the time she was 20 till the present despite these changes being natural and anticipated.

“Because I was so exhausted from working so hard and not maintaining healthy habits, I felt more pressure from others when I was thin, mainly when I was extremely thin and not in the best health. But the pressure increased. It was more like having publications pushed in your face and being told. You’re competing with this; we have to compete with it.”
“I’m not up to par with it. Even that is not my picture. I’m not like that. They are exactly that. Each of us is unique, and that is okay. I fought more than I do now because I just walked in and stared at them like, ‘I dare you to say something.’ I used to fight more when I was slimmer. In my life, I’m content. I’ll work on myself when I can.”

Clarkson admitted that she has hyperthyroidism and an autoimmune disorder and suffers from her weight. She said she “can gain two sizes, or lose two sizes, from morning to lunch.”
She lost 37 pounds after changing her diet to include “non-GMO, no pesticides, eating organic” food and learning how to manage the symptoms.
She opened up on Today in 2018 and revealed her tricks, saying, “I know the industry loves the weight gone, but for me, it wasn’t (about) the weight.” She continues, “For me, it was saying, ‘I’m not on my medicine anymore.’”
Clarkson argues that she is a performer and should not be assessed just based on her physical appearance.

As she put it, “I got on the number one television show at my heaviest point because it was right after I had kids, and it was like they didn’t care,” adding that the talk show was won over by her demeanor and capacity for building genuine connections. It had nothing to do with my attractiveness to women or my appearance. It was about who I was as a person. I believe it is ultimately the responsibility of artists to compel that mindset in others.”
Clarkson said of Adele, whom she refers to as a goddess, “I don’t care what type of weight she’s holding down; you walk in the room, and she’s like a force, just physically compelling…That doesn’t change how frequently I listen to her album.”
“If you’re curious about how the natural beauty will age over the coming several decades, “Clarkson said, “I’m gonna look like a total Shar Pei, like a dog.”
“I’m going to have wrinkles all over my face. I’m terrified of something called botulinum toxin, not because I’m better than someone who has cosmetic surgery on their face. I’m like, ‘no,’” even though it’s officially called botulinum toxin.”
She continues, “I hope people see this is what it looks like, how you look when you get older. Embracing aging and ready for the world to see it on video.”
The epitome of someone attractive both inside and out is Kelly Clarkson. She is excellent at any size, and we concur with her advice to value an artist more for their skills than anything else. What do you think about the stunning Clarkson and her acting career?