Donald and Melania Trump will return to the White House again. This time, however, all the signs point towards the First Lady not joining her husband full-time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, but rather splitting her time between Palm Beach and New York, where she and Donald’s son Barron attends college.
Melania wasn’t seen with her husband during his most recent presidential campaign, with it reported that the future First Lady has had her hands full. In October, the Slovenian-born former model released her memoir, Melania, which went straight to #1 on the New York Times Bestseller list.
Her perceived distance from Donald led to rumors about the stability of the couple’s marriage, rumors, we may add, hardly help by the fact that it’s said Melania won’t be living at the White House full-time as of January.
Even so, she will be the wife of the POTUS once more, and that comes with a certain, irrefutable level of stress. As such, it’s important that Melania takes care of herself, both physically and mentally – Lord knows being swept up in hurricane that is her husband’s life demands it.
And the past and future FLOTUS knows this. Word has it she and and Donald don’t drink alcohol at all, while Melania has a trick she uses to ensure that she protects her mental health…
Following the election victory in early November, it’s now set in stone that Melania Trump will return to the White House with her husband, Donald. The Trumps left 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue under controversial circumstances in 2020, when they broke tradition in refusing to welcome Joe and Jill Biden. Time will tell how their second welcome will look when the Bidens depart this coming January.
Melania Trump was previously said to not be fond of returning to the White House. One report suggested that she felt she was done with politics on a national level, though later, she stated that she was open to returning. Now, once again, she and Donald can call the White House home, but it appears that Melania won’t be there every day — or even week: People Magazine sources have claimed it’s ‘unlikely’ that she will live there full-time.
“If Melania becomes first lady again, of course people expect her to move into the White House and perform appropriate duties,” a source close to the Trump family said, adding that Melania isn’t keen on relocating to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
“She will have her private living apartment there, and she has her home in New York and her home at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach. She will spend time in all of these places,” the source added.
Melania Trump

Mary Jordan, author of The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump, told ABC: “She has told people, ‘Look, I’m not the one elected.’ So if she wants to go down to Mar-a-Lago and hang out by herself for two weeks, do that. But she is going to be in the White House. She loves a lot of the pomp and circumstance.”
Before Melania met Donald, she was an up-and-coming model with her face all over Times Square. The modeling industry was, and still is, controversial when it came to so-called “beauty ideals,” which often meant models had to be pretty much malnourished in order to attain the desired look. As such, it’s not surprising to imagine that Melania felt she had to do the same.
Back in the day, the future First Lady did all sorts of modeling work, including nude photographs. While some have argued that it isn’t fitting for a First Lady, Melania Trump defended her nude modeling career.
She has spoken about her modeling career many times, and regarding her nude modeling, stated that we should all be proud of our bodies.
“Why do I stand proudly behind my nude modeling work?” Melania said in September in a video posted on her social media. “The more pressing question is, why has the media chosen to scrutinize my celebration of the human form in a fashion photo shoot? Are we no longer able to appreciate the beauty of the human body?”
“We should honor our bodies and embrace the timeless tradition of using art as a powerful means of self-expression,” she added.
Melania Trump diet, food: Why she never drinks alcohol
Though Melania has spoken openly about her modeling career in the past, not much is known about her diet and how she kept herself trim. In an interview with GQ, her former roommate, Matthew Atanian, revealed that she ate seven pieces of fruit daily.
Melania met future husband Donald at an event in New York City in 1998. They began dating, and in 2005, the couple married. They have stayed strong together since then, and for Melania, meeting Donald wasn’t only something that changed her life when it came to romance. Reportedly, it also changed her diet, and a particular item she decided not to consume has a rather tragic story behind it.
Both Melania and Donald decided not to drink alcohol after Donald’s older brother, Freddy, became a victim of alcoholism. The elder Trump sibling worked as an airplane pilot, but due to his struggles with alcoholism, he had to be grounded. He died from a heart attack in 1981 at age 43.
“My biggest tragedy, my greatest teacher — I learned more from him than anybody,” Donald told The Hollywood Reporter in 2016 about his brother. “Freddy was an incredible guy, handsome, fun, everybody loved him. But sadly, he drank and smoked four packs a day, as much as anybody could. The alcohol just ate him away and I lost him. Every day he lectured me, ‘Look at the mess I’m in. If I ever catch you smoking, you’ll be sorry, drinking even a glass of booze because you’ll like it too much.’”
Donald added: “He knew I was excessive — if I smoked, four packs a day; if I drank, an alcoholic. Even now, I’ve never had a drink nor cigarette. Freddy did a good job.”
Melania Trump favorite breakfast
As soon as they began dating, Melania agreed to live a more “healthy lifestyle” with Donald.
“We filled our evenings with the excitement of baseball games, football games and boxing events. We agreed on living a healthy life, evident in our abstinence from alcohol and tobacco,” Melania wrote in her memoir, Melania.
So, what does Melania Trump eat in a day? According to The List, in 2012, she said she always starts the day healthy.
“Well, in the morning, every morning, I have a smoothie with a few ingredients and a lot of vitamins in it,” Melania said, adding that she sometimes goes for oatmeal.
She has shared her food on social media several times. In 2013, she shared a recipe for a smoothie with her followers after receiving “many requests.”
“Mix all fresh and organic: spinach, celery, carrots, blueberries, apple, orange juice, lemon juice, fat-free yogurt, olive oil, [flax] seeds, omega-3, vitamin D,” Melania wrote in the post.
In 2010, Melania revealed to New York Magazine that her favorite meal is Chicken Parmigianino at the Jean Georges restaurant in New York City, which, according to the site, “remains one of Manhattan’s preeminent dining destinations.” To drink? A “diet Coke from the classic glass bottles.”
Melania Trump reveals her secrets on mental health
The future First Lady doesn’t have the biggest sweet tooth either. “I don’t have a particular snack I always eat. If I would snack, I would snack on maybe fruit or a little bit of chocolate because I think your body needs that, too,” she explained.
It’s essential not only to keep your body healthy but also to keep your mind healthy. Melania has always been aware of the importance of keeping her mental health in a good state, writing extensively about it in her memoir. Whether it’s a family dinner or challenging times at the White House, she stays calm and focuses on what really matters.
“Life’s circumstances shape you in many ways, often entirely beyond your control — your birth, parental influences and the world in which you grow up,” Melania wrote in her book. “As an adult, there comes a moment when you become solely responsible for the life you lead. You must take charge, embrace that responsibility, and become the architect of your own future.”
The Slovenian-born further wrote that her mother, Amalija Knavs, who sadly passed away earlier this year, taught her that “self-care was essential not only to a person’s well-being, but also to being able to effectively care for others.”
“The value of self-care remains a guiding principle”
Melania’s mother “instilled this conviction in me from an early age, teaching me the importance of attending to one’s appearance before venturing into the world.”
“If I don’t take care of myself, how would I know how to care for others?” Melania’s mother told her.
“The value of self-care, remains a guiding principle in my life,” the future First Lady added. “I have come to understand that genuine happiness is not found in material possessions, but rather in the depths of self-awareness and self-acceptance.”
Melania has always been considered good-looking, and the evolution of her beauty is quite something. Over the years, there have been speculation and rumors about her undergoing plastic surgery, botox, or lip fillings. Speaking with GQ, her former roommate Matthew Atanian claimed Melania had changed her appearance.
“She went away for a two-week vacation, then came back, and was more…buxom,” Atanian said. She admitted it to me, she just said it needed to be done to get more lingerie jobs.
Melania Trump cosmetic surgery rumors
So, did she or didn’t she undergo any cosmetic surgery? When experts have their say, there’s no doubt the general consensus is that she has made some changes to her appearance. Of course, this is just speculation, and no one can for sure say that she has had work done.
“Her face has a stony look from being overfilled and over-botoxed,” Dr. Franklin Rose told The Skincare Edit. “Melania’s forehead is as smooth as a baby’s rear end, so she’s had liberal amounts of Botox for sure. Her cheeks, along with the nasolabial lines between the nose and corners of the mouth, likely have fillers. [Her rhinoplasty] is a beautiful job. Whoever is treating her now is just a little overzealous with the injectables.”
Dr. Dev Patel, medical director of Perfect Skin Solutions in Portsmouth, agreed with Rose, saying there have been “obvious signs” of her “likely” having done botox treatments.
“She was giving a rather personal account of her background, yet her upper face was not moving in harmony with her words. In fact, it was not moving at all. This suggests too heavy doses are being used by her doctor,” he said.
Dr. Dev Patel also spoke to the Express about Melania’s possible cosmetic surgeries. He estimated that they all probably cost around $13,000.
“I think few people could deny that she is strikingly beautiful in her still shots, but considering the masses now indulge in facial aesthetic treatments, I would be extremely surprised if an ex-model (who has such a spotlight on her) would not be doing the same,” he said.
Melania Trump says she “didn’t make any changes” to her appearance
So, what is the truth? According to Melania, she has never altered her appearance through surgery and the like. Speaking with GQ, she also denied having undergone breast augmentation.
“I didn’t make any changes,” Melania said. “A lot of people say I am using all the procedures for my face. I didn’t do anything. I live a healthy life, I take care of my skin and my body. I’m against Botox, I’m against injections; I think it’s damaging your face, damaging your nerves. It’s all me. I will age gracefully, as my mom does.”