Melania Trump has long been regarded as a stunning woman. The former first lady, who was born in Slovenia, started her modelling career when she was a teenager and eventually moved to the US to marry Donald Trump.
Melania’s modelling career took off as soon as she arrived in the United States. She met her future husband quickly after becoming well-known overnight, primarily due to one advertisement.

Although some say that the 53-year-old has undergone Botox and other procedures to stay young, she has managed to maintain her youthful appearance. Melania Trump revealed the facts not too long ago.
Melania Knauss, better known as Melania Trump, was born in Novo Mesto, Slovenia, on April 26, 1970. She was raised in Sevnica, a tiny village near a railway.
The affluent real estate tycoon arrived at the function with a date. He had recently separated from his second wife, Marla Maples. But he was more interested in getting to know Melania when he saw her.
“I lost my mind. In actuality, I was meant to meet someone else. In 2005, Donald Trump said, “There was this great supermodel sitting next to Melania.” “Look, there’s so and so,” they remarked. “Forget about her,” I murmured. The person on the left is who? And Melania was the one.

Melania claimed that she was “turned off” by Donald Trump at first, but eventually her feelings for him evolved. History is what’s left.
Melania Trump has long been regarded as attractive, and her transformation into a more beautiful woman is remarkable. But over time, there have been rumours and conjectures that she had botox, lip fillers, or plastic surgery.
So, did she undergo any cosmetic surgery, or not? It’s undeniable that she has changed the way she looks when experts weigh in.
Naturally, these are merely conjectures, and it is impossible to confirm that she has had any medical attention.

“The overfilling and overbotoxing have left her face looking stony,” Dr. Franklin Rose said to The Skincare Edit. “Melania has undoubtedly had a lot of Botox because her forehead is as smooth as a newborn’s behind.
She probably has fillers in her cheeks and the nasolabial lines that run between her nose and her mouth’s corners. Her rhinoplasty looks amazing. She is currently being treated by someone who is a touch too enthusiastic about the injectables.
Rose was supported by Dr. Dev Patel, the medical director of Perfect Skin Solutions in Portsmouth, who stated that there had been “obvious signs” that she “likely” underwent botox procedures.

“Although she was sharing a very intimate story about her upbringing, her upper face did not follow her mouth. It was actually not moving at all. This shows her doctor is using excessively high doses,” he stated.
When Dr. Jag Chana, a third specialist, compares photos of Melania Trump from her earlier and later years, she notes a noticeable difference in the contour of her nose.
“The tip is more elegant and the nose is thinner. The very little variations along the bridge line point to the possibility of an osteotomy, a treatment used to narrow the nose during a rhinoplasty. The photo of her when she was younger shows that her upper lip is larger. Lip fillers are probably to blame for this. The forehead is flawless and wrinkle-free, suggesting that Botox was used.

A fourth expert, Dr. Munir Somji, says, “I would say Melania has had forehead contouring with filler to make it more rounded and with Botox to lift the brows.” “She also seems to have had radiofrequency tightening and fillers around the jawline to give a chiselled appearance, in addition to buccal fat removal to slim the face.”
Dr. Dev Patel also discussed Melania’s potential cosmetic procedures with the Express. He calculated that the total cost of them all was probably close to $13,000.
“It’s undeniable that she looks stunning in still photos, but given how commonplace facial aesthetic procedures are these days, I would be shocked if an ex-model with her level of celebrity did not follow suit,” he remarked.
What then is the reality? Melania Trump claims that she has never altered the way she looks. In an interview with GQ in 2016, she refuted having had her breath artificially enhanced.
“I made no modifications,” Melania Trump declared. Many people claim that I use every procedure on my face. I took no action. I have a healthy lifestyle and take good care of my body and skin. I disagree with Botox and injections because I believe they harm your face and nerves. I am the only one doing this. I shall age with grace, just like my mother did.