One of the most gifted actors in the field today is Nicole Kidman, who plays the lead character in the Netflix series Big Little Lies.
Fans have asserted that Nicole, who was 34 years old at the time, had osteoporosis, a condition that renders bones more prone to fracturing due to the numerous wounds she received while portraying Moulin Rouge in 2001.
Nicole said she had broken her ribs and torn up her knee in 2014 when talking to Yahoo! She also sustained another broken rib after wearing a corset to trim her waist to 18 inches.
Nicole vehemently denied the claims that she had testing to determine whether or not she had osteoporosis at the time and that it was said that the condition caused her several bone breaks.

She reportedly said, “Apparently I’m getting tests in hospital, but I laughed because no one told me. I haven’t undergone any tests for anything,” she continued.
Nicole has since been forthright and honest about the toll her jobs take on her, both physically and mentally.
Nicole acknowledged that she had experienced mental health issues during filming The Undoing and offered the following justification: “During the middle of production, I unexpectedly fell unwell with a major illness. This is a serious problem that performers may encounter, in my opinion. When doing such [depleting parts], your immune system doesn’t distinguish between acting and the truth, so I became ill for a week and had to miss work.”
“When I come home, I don’t sleep well and don’t feel great overall. That’s how unsettling I find it.” Nicole discussed the compromises she has to make to commit completely to her roles.
While filming the Amazon Prime series Expats, the actress, earlier in 2022, faced a physical setback when she tore her hamstring.
Variety reports that the star’s doctor advised her to relax and skip the annual Oscar nominees’ because an old illness had reappeared. This was as a result of the problem has gotten worse.