Chloe Lattanzi, Olivia Newton-only John’s child, speaks up about her mother’s final moments on Earth before passing away in August 2022.
Lattanzi shared her mother’s last words and how Newton-John had her wits about her until she couldn’t talk in a new interview with Koda Kotb.
“She could only say to me, ‘My sunshine,’” Lattanzi told Today. “And she was making jokes shortly before she lost her capacity to talk.”
The renowned actress and original Grease star died after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 73 years old at the time.

“I adore my mom more than anything,” she choked up. “You know, she’s my mama. She’s not Olivia Newton-John to me, but I’m grateful that she was for so many other people.”
Nevertheless, in her time of loss, Lattanzi says that her mother’s large fan base has helped her get through some of her worst moments since her death six months ago.
“It was, in fact, a life raft. It’s been like receiving a great embrace from the universe. And I’m grateful to everyone who contacted us and extended their hearts and connections.”
The interview with Lattanzi arrives on the same day Newton-rendition John’s of Jolene is revealed to the public. Newton-duet John’s with Dolly Parton was one of the last songs she recorded before her death.

Olivia’s husband, John Easterling, attended Lattanzi during the interview, stating that he still speaks aloud to his late wife. “I think about Olivia every day. And yet, every day, I’m glad for the 15 years I spent with this remarkable human being.”
In 2008, the couple married. Easterling considers Olivia to be his actual soulmate.
After her death, her family and closest friends, including her beloved co-stars, have said how much Newton-John will be missed.
Stockard Channing was one of the co-stars. If you don’t remember, Channing is the actress who portrayed Rizzo opposite Newton-John.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met a nicer person,” Channing told People in an exclusive statement. “Olivia was the epitome of summer – her sunniness, warmth, and grace come to mind when I think of her. “I will miss her terribly.”
Didi Conn, who portrayed Frenchy alongside Channing, also published a statement. According to Conn, who remained a lifetime friend of Newton-John, Olivia couldn’t walk during her final days.

“She told me that her health was, you know, she wasn’t walking anymore, and she had full-time care, but her husband John and her daughter Chloe were always there, and she said they were just so hopelessly dedicated.”
Conn then revealed her final message exchange with Olivia. “Last time I communicated with Olivia was through text, and I said, ‘I hope you know you’re in my heart, always,’” she told The Mirror. “And she said, ‘And you are in mine.’” On July 5th, that was our final message. Olivia’s death is deeply personal to me and many others since she cared so much. Her heart was enormous.”

Upon Olivia’s death, John Travolta also released a sad message. “You made all of our lives so much better, Olivia. Your influence was enormous. I adore you to pieces. We’ll see you later, and we’ll all be together again. Yours from the first time I saw you to the end of time! “Your Danny, your John,” the actor captioned a photo of Newton-John.