Martha Stewart said yesterday in an Instagram post that she is now fully recovered from surgery. She is shown in the accompanying photo with a bandage on her left leg and a statement explaining how she was injured.
“Neither the photograph nor the backstory is particularly cheerful. Everyone’s bad timing, “the restaurant magnate got things moving. Following that, Martha began to detail the problem, noting that she had previously damaged her Achilles tendon.

She “tried to get it to mend on its own to no avail,” so she eventually chose a three-hour surgery to repair it after her prior attempts failed. For the time being, she is resting and recovering at home. She’s taking things easy. “I’ve been told to stay in a prone posture with my leg lifted for the next two weeks,” Martha says. “Following that, you will need to use crutches for another two to four weeks. Following that, there may be some more normal activity.”

Martha followed up her first Instagram post with a second one showing her lying on a full-sized heating pad with her foot raised. She described this position as “restorative.”
What led her to be injured in the first place was an inevitable accident in which she was involved. “Most of these ruptures occur when people dance or do sports. My mishap was caused by an unanticipated step into a hole when getting out of the car in the dark.” Martha writes in her post.
Let us all send her happy vibes and healing energy so she can feel well soon. I hope everything works out for you, Martha!