We women have it rough. Between all the plucking, primping, straightening and exfoliating, we’re often so preoccupied with getting our look just right for the Instagram photos that will be inevitably uploaded,…
Don’t Hide Your Real Face: 10 Reasons Why You Should Wear Less Makeup
Why do you wear makeup? I wear it to enhance my appearance and to feel pretty. I wear it to not look dead. Some girls wear it because it’s fun,…
I’m Not Supposed To Admit This, But I Don’t Wear Makeup ‘For Myself’
Ifeel like whenever a modern women talks about makeup, she INSISTS that she doesn’t wear it because she’s insecure. She wears it for HER. For ART. To EXPRESS HERSELF. The…
Natural: 10 Reasons Why You Should Date The Girl Who Goes Makeup-Free
Makeup plays more of a role in our lives than we choose to believe (or dare to admit). From tribal villages to models on billboards, people have always placed an…
Don’t Say These 12 Things to Makeup-Free Women
I’ve never really worn makeup. It just isn’t my thing. Over the years, my relationship with makeup has changed from a strong loathing to a passive uncaring of the whole…
When battling cancer, the mother’s hair falls out, so her son grows it out to make mom a wig.
In 2003, Melanie Shaha of Gilbert, Arizona, was told she had a brain tumor called a pituitary tumor, which is not dangerous. The influence of this tumor on the function…
Fierce argument between Michael Landon and Karen Grassle
Caroline Ingalls, played by Karen Grassle, is a well-known character among fans of the classic Little House on the Prairie television series. Though most actors complimented the fantastic mood created…
The Smarter And More Independent You Are, The Harder It Is To Find Love
Love is much simpler when you’re young. As we get older, love gets complicated. It becomes more complex, more intricate and MUCH more delicate. Falling in love is harder. Letting…
Being Highly Intelligent Or Easygoing Can Hurt Your Chances At Love, A New Study Says
To my mind, a highly intelligent date who manages to convey those smarts in a casual and laid-back manner — read: not arrogant or obnoxious or flashy about their enormous…
Why Intelligent People Prefer To Socialize Less
If you’re a relatively intelligent person, two things are likely true: you socialize less than your peers, and you have anxiety about whether or not that’s normal and sane and…