A strange creature that resembled a “werewolf” appeared on the side of the road near an orchard in Madera Ranchos, California. Everyone avoided looking at him since he had a mangy patch of fur, was underweight, and was balding.
For months, no one dared to touch the unhappy animal due to its hard, scaly skin and damaged, pointed tail. His only remaining black fur was on his neck and head.
People passing by would ignore him because they felt he was dangerous and obviously unwell.

Thankfully, an angel in human form thought that this puppy was worth her time one day. The woman decided to call for help after stopping to see how the unfortunate puppy was doing.
Megan Bowe, another caring woman, then answered the phone. Megan, the founder of Bowe’s Adoptable Rescued Pup, stated, “I was about ready to cry when I saw how ill off he was. He was definitely on his final legs days. He was miserable and couldn’t even stand.”
Megan quickly recognized that this ‘werewolf’ was actually an ill and neglected German shepherd mix. She gave him the name King and promptly took him to a vet facility.

King had a number of ailments, but Meghan and the doctors chose to treat each one individually. His most serious health conditions, such as scabies, a fractured pelvis, and a broken tail, necessitated surgery.
“My vet believes he was hit by a car, which would explain why his tail was so messed up,” Megan explained. “That damage happened months ago, because it had already begun to heal incorrectly by the time I got him.”
“And because of his shattered pelvis, he couldn’t go very far to seek for food on his own, so he was quite skinny and dehydrated.”
King’s health condition made him appear old, but he was only a year old. Megan had to keep him in a separate portion of the facility where she kept the rest of the animals she cared for because of his diseases, some of which were contagious.

Fortunately, King began eating, and he was getting a larger portion every day.
As his condition improved, King was ready to have the much-needed surgery for his shattered pelvis and tail.
And the surgeries went off without a hitch!

Megan feels that King will soon be available for adoption. It took some time for him to be able to walk again, but with Megan’s and the vets’ help, he did the unthinkable and stood on his feet again. All she wants is to be accepted into a loving family and given a place to live.
“It’s difficult to believe that all those automobiles passed him by without stopping. Because he looked so awful, no one wanted to bring him home or help him… But it just took one person,” Megan explained.
This world is becoming a lot better place because of people like the woman who called for aid and Megan, who was ready to step in.

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