Sally Field has a long and impressive list of credits and has graced movie screens for many years. Because of her petite stature, the celebrity posed a major risk to an illness that affects over 500,000 people in the UK.
Sally Field, 75, is an award-winning actress best remembered for her appearances in Mrs. Doubtfire, Steel Magnolias, and Forest Gump. The well-known celebrity learned about her health, an illness whose dangers increase with age.
Field, approaching her 60th birthday, was diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2005.
The diagnosis came as no surprise because the ailment is known as the “silent disease” because there are no early warning signs before a fracture occurs.

“I always believed I fulfilled the risk profile,” she told WebMD.
“I was about to become 60, Caucasian, small-boned, and fragile.”
“But I was surprised at how quickly osteoporosis may advance in a woman from risk to fully developed.”
Osteoporosis is a disorder that causes the hip, backbone (spine), and wrist bones to deteriorate to the point that they commonly fracture.
Women are more likely than men to develop osteoporosis because menopause-related hormonal changes directly affect bone density.
The female hormone estrogen is essential for bone health.

However, estrogen levels drop after menopause, resulting in a significant decrease in bone density.
“I had always eaten well, I had always exercised, and I had always taken calcium,” Field said yesterday in Washington, D.C.
“I tried to keep my cool throughout, but it was going to catch up with me.”
“My grandma Joy suffered greatly in her 90s due to a damaged back.”
“She sat on a bench and broke her back.”
The National Institute on Aging includes the following osteoporosis risk factors:
After the age of 50, I shattered a bone. Before their periods ended, they had surgery to remove their ovaries. I went through early menopause. They have not received adequate calcium and/or vitamin D. They have been confined to bed for an extended time.
Smoke (smokers may absorb less calcium from their diets)
Take particular medications, such as those used to treat arthritis, asthma, and various cancers.
Specific drugs were frequently used.
Osteoporosis is a bone-thinning illness that develops gradually.
As a result, more than 500,000 people in the UK require hospital treatment for fractures yearly.
Exercise, vitamin and mineral supplements and medicines are all potential treatments for advanced osteoporosis.
You may benefit from consuming vitamins and engaging in physical activity to avoid osteoporosis.
Early indicators of osteoporosis include back pain, a progressive loss of height, and a hunched posture in which a bone breaks considerably faster than expected.