Susan Sarandon is in desperate need of our prayers.

Susan Sarandon is a well-known American actress, activist, and executive producer. The actress stunned her admirers after sustaining a concussion from a fall a few years ago.

Susan Sarandon, a rising star in Hollywood, has received numerous awards, including an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, and a SAG Award. Susan is an enthusiastic civil rights activist, something many people are unaware of. She even used the opportunity to advance a social cause after sustaining an injury a few years ago.

The actress suffered a concussion after falling and documented her injury on Instagram.

The actress shared a close-up of her bruised eye and a wise quip.

“I’m lucky. Medicare covers my visit to the emergency room.” According to Sarandon’s assessment, everyone requires the same thing: access, a way in, or a choice.

M4A helps you save money. Cancer does not force people to move, and insulin is not rationed.

“Like the rest of the free world, you know. #Bernie2020,” she added.

Susan said on Instagram that she was suffering from a concussion, a broken nose, and a “banged up knee.”

Sarandon is seen in the photos with a huge bump over her eye in the first photo and a black eye in the second.

According to the NHS, anyone can fall, but older people are more likely to do so, especially if they have a long-term health concern.

About half of all those over 65 who still live at home will fall more frequently, with one in every three falling at least once a year.

The vast majority of falls result in minor injuries.

However, as the NHS points out, there is always the possibility of a fall resulting in broken bones, making the individual feel less confident, more reclusive, and as if they have lost their freedom.

For example, you can reduce your chances of falling by making little alterations.

“Start your fall-prevention plan by scheduling a visit with your doctor,” advises the Mayo Clinic.

The health group recommends making a list of your prescription, over-the-counter, and dietary supplements and bringing it with you to the visit.

It is critical to remember that certain medications can raise your risk of falling.

To reduce falls, your doctor may consider gradually weaning you off drugs that make you tired or impair your thinking, such as sedatives and some types of antidepressants, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The World Health Organization recommends writing down facts such as when, where, and how you fell.

“Be ready to relate situations when you were on the point of falling but were caught by someone or were able to grip something just in time,” the essay instructs readers.

These details may help your doctor discover specific fall-prevention techniques.

Here are some simple self-help tips:

Proceed with caution.

Put on comfortable shoes.

Remove potential hazards from home.

Make your home more appealing.