Anne Heche’s autopsy results have been revealed three months after her unexpected death.
According to documents obtained by People, Heche was not impaired by drugs at the time of her accident, although she had already taken cocaine and cannabis before the tragedy.
According to a coroner’s office representative, “the hospital admission blood showed the presence of benzoylecgonine, the inactive metabolite of cocaine, indicating she took it in the past but not at the time of the crash.”

“Cannabinoids were found in her urine but ‘not detected in the admission blood and is consistent with prior use, but not at the time of the accident,” the spokeswoman stated.
The toxicology analysis also found fentanyl in her system, but it was “obtained after she got treatment at the hospital and hence is consistent with therapeutic usage,” according to the report.
“This is substantiated by the absence of fentanyl in the blood specimen collected at hospital admission,” the study said.

According to People, the paper also showed that Heche had so severe burns during the crash that her body was unable to “effectively absorb oxygen, which contributed to her ‘anoxic brain injury,’ which is designated as her cause of death.”
Her sons have been surrounded by scandal after Heche’s horrible accident on August 5. According to reports, Anne Heche’s son found himself in legal trouble due to one of her exes after it was discovered she died without leaving a will.
Heche leaves behind only two sons, 20-year-old Homer Laffoon Heche and 13-year-old Atlas Heche Tupper. It was first claimed that Heche did not have a will, therefore her oldest son filed proceedings to take possession of her fortune.

However, it has now been revealed that Anne’s youngest son’s father, actor James Tupper, has been interfering with such attempts. People have said that Tupper has gone so far as to make it hard for Homer to communicate with his younger brother, Atlas.
People received court documents revealing that Homer is fighting Tupper’s claims that a paperwork from 2011 indicates that he is the administrator of Heche’s estate. Tupper believes that this text should be regarded as Anne’s will.
Homer claims that the document Tupper holds is unlawful since the signature on it does not belong to Heche and the supposed document’s signing was not witnessed by two witnesses, as required by law. The records state that “Mr. Tupper constantly refers to the email attached to the Objection as a ‘will.’” However, under the law, the email does not qualify as a holographic will or a formal witnessed will.”

“The email fails to meet the legal standards for a valid holographic will since the alleged will’s material clauses are not in the Decedent’s handwriting.” A will is valid as a holographic will whether or not it is witnessed if the testator’s signature and significant provisions are in his or her handwriting.
Mr. Tupper’s email presented to the Court as the Decedent’s ‘will’ fails to meet the standards for a valid holographic will since the signature and material clauses are not in the Decedent’s handwriting. The email does not meet the legal requirements for a valid formal witnessed will because it was not signed by the Decedent and lacks two witnesses who signed the instrument during the Decedent’s lifetime.”
It’s also worth noting that Homer would have been only 9 years old in 2011 if Tupper and Heche were still allegedly engaged. According to documents obtained by People, Homer and Atlas are requesting to be “rightful heirs” to their mother’s worldly belongings.

“The Estate has two intestate heirs: Homer Heche Laffoon and Atlas Heche Tupper.” Homer Heche Laffoon, the proposed Administrator, is an adult. Atlas Heche Tupper is a minor. A Petition for Appointment of Guardian ad Litem for the Minor, filed concurrently with this petition, specifically demands that the guardian ad litem be granted the authority to waive bond on behalf of the minor.”
“My brother Atlas and I lost our Mom,” Homer wrote in his first statement following his mother’s death. ” I’m left with a deep, wordless grief after six days of nearly astonishing emotional swings. Hopefully, my mother is no longer in anguish and is beginning to explore what I envision to be her eternal freedom.”
“Thousands of friends, family, and admirers expressed their love for me over the course of six days. I am grateful for their affection, as well as the support of my father, Coley, and stepmother, Alexi, who have been and continue to be my rock throughout this difficult time.”

Now, Heche has been laid to rest at Hollywood Forever, a “live location where people go to see movies, concerts, and other events,” which Homer says his mother “would love.”
“It’s lovely and serene, and she’ll be among her Hollywood peers.”
According to records obtained by NBC4, it took at least 20 minutes for first responders to arrive at the scene and another 20 minutes to extricate Heche from the vehicle.
A recording showed firefighters discovering the home’s owner and safely extracting her approximately 11:01 a.m. Another firefighter reported no further victims at 11:18 a.m.
Responders can be heard saying, “We have identified one patient, inaccessible at this moment, he’s shoved up against the floorboard!” at 11:25 a.m. “I will say that where the person was in the vehicle was not in the driver’s seat, but on the floorboard of the passenger seat,” LAFD Deputy Chief Richard Fields told NBC4.
It’s unknown how Heche ended herself in that situation. “Given the strong fire and smoke conditions, it wasn’t like you could clearly see into or approach the truck,” Fields told NBC4.
One week after her crash, Heche was taken off life support after falling into a coma. Her organs were donated to people who needed them.