When Natalie’s parents first saw her, they were shocked that she had a birthmark on her face resembling Batman’s mask. The mark covered a third of her face from her forehead to her left eye.
Natalie has demonstrated that she is like any other baby, tamping down her parents’ concerns about how she would be treated due to her appearance. Regardless of the appearance of her birthmark, she is still lovely and cherished.
The parents claimed they were “struck with panic” when the nurse pulled up the newborn following her Caesarean delivery. They saw that the infant was not breathing and that her skin was blue.

While the nurse started performing CPR, the parents began to pray. Thankfully, the infant’s breathing resumed, and her color brightened. She was sent for observation in the neonatal intensive care unit.
According to Mrs. Jackson, doctors worry that Natalie’s birthmark may continue to spread and cause health issues, and the pair is worried that she will experience cruel treatment as she ages.
The mother said it was a great moment when her child was born. She was worried that anything she had done throughout her pregnancy was the cause of the baby’s huge, black bruise on the left side of her face.

Mrs. Jackson started to worry about the mark on her skin as she hugged her newborn daughter. Despite doctors’ assurances that it was simply a birthmark, she was unsure what other people might think. Mrs. Jackson’s kid was breathing and healthy, weighing 7lb 1oz, but she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about the mark.
“I was in love with our wonderful newborn daughter as I held her and feared that people would only see her birthmark and not the lovely person I knew she would become. At that time, I decided that we would love her without conditions and give her all the self-assurance in the world so she could see how beautiful she is and how she can achieve everything she sets her mind to.”
The Jacksons are a happy family. Mr. Jackson was born in Hull, but he and his wife later relocated to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where they now live with their two children, Elliott, 7, and Devin, 4. A new baby sister was recently introduced into the Jacksons’ close-knit family.
A superhero is living among the Jacksons, and her name is Lily. The fact that Lily was born with a noticeable birthmark on her face doesn’t concern her parents. “What’s that on her face, mummy?” Said one of the boys. “What is the black mark precisely?” I told him that she was wearing her superhero outfit. “I reassured them that she was still capable of anything as a result.”
Every day, Lily’s parents express their pride in her and their love for her for who she is. People also adore Lily for who she is—not just for her birthmark but also for her good nature and lovely character.
A week after Natalie was born, her parents brought her to an ophthalmologist specializing in diagnosing eye conditions. They sent her to a dermatologist and a skin specialist and had her get an MRI to ensure the birthmark wasn’t obstructing her vision.
Natalie’s abnormality causes her various health issues as she ages. Surprisingly, her parents have chosen to leave their daughter’s dark spot alone.
Natalie’s parents think she should accept her birthmark in the hopes that it will make her a stronger person. They think she should embrace her birthmark, believing it will make her a stronger person because “being different is beautiful” and “being different is wonderful.” Natalie’s parents seem unconcerned as curious onlookers gaze at the toddler in the street.
For some parents, a birthmark can be a source of worry, but for one young girl, her birthmark is a symbol of her courage. The physician explained to the Jackson family that their daughter’s birthmark would always cover a significant portion of her face and would grow with her.
The Jacksons were nevertheless relieved to learn this information. They are aware that their daughter may experience some difficulties in life, but they are optimistic that she will be resilient no matter what happens.