The “Real Housewives” Bethenny Frankel has some bad news.

Bethenny Frankel decided to speak up about her health after receiving negative remarks about her physical appearance. She told her Instagram followers about her battle with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome.

In a video posted on Instagram, the “Real Housewives of New York City” star revealed her significant dehydration problem, saying that her doctor linked the symptoms to POTS.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, POTS is a group of disorders associated with orthostatic intolerance (OI). A minimal volume of blood returns to the heart after a person rises from a lying position.

The most common symptom of OI is lightheadedness or fainting. Although there is no known cause of the sickness, dehydration may exacerbate these symptoms.

“Simply because I love you while I share this with you,” Frankel, 52, said in the video. “Since I’m messed up, many of you have inquired why my face looks different in my cosmetic tutorials. I’m not doing so great.”

“I have so many aches and pains and am so dehydrated,” she continued. “I’ve tried Pedialyte, kombucha, and coconut water, but they all pass through me. As a result, I’ve gained four pounds since arriving here as my body fights to hold on to whatever water it can.”

According to Frankel, the symptoms are “excruciating, and it’s become horrible in the last few years,” She wakes up “every two hours in such torment and dying of thirst.”

So that’s why I look f—ked up, she explained, “because I’m f—ked up.” “It’s ridiculous. My doctor believes it is clearly tied to my POTS syndrome. I’m sure many of you have experienced something similar.”

Frankel observed that the disease she suffered from “looks to have been greatly worsened by COVID” and that it is “certainly a condition to treat” in the caption.

Many studies have linked COVID-19 infection to POTS, but further study is needed to understand the relationship thoroughly.

“I have severe chronic dehydration,” the reality star continued, explaining her condition in greater detail. Dehydration and my dangerously low blood pressure have been a constant, but they’ve become exponentially worse.”

“I work incredibly hard to stay hydrated, get IVs, and haven’t touched alcohol in six months. “I’m basically on the case,” she said.

At the end of her article, Frankel warned her followers against criticizing “someone’s outward appearance,” stating that they may be unaware of what that person is going through mentally, medically, or emotionally.

POTS can affect people of any age, according to an NINDS report. However, it primarily affects females between the ages of 15 and 50. Some women claim to have more POTS episodes before their menstruation.

POTS is standard after a pregnancy, major surgery, trauma, or viral illness. Exercise may be challenging for those suffering from the disease since it produces dizziness or fainting spells.

The disorder’s cause is unknown. The disorder’s low blood volume, as well as any underlying circulation abnormalities, can be treated. In the short term, several drugs appear to be helpful. According to NINDS, their long-term efficacy is unknown.

Simple treatments such as adding salt to the diet and paying attention to fluid intake are typically adequate.

The NINDS further warns that POTS can progress in a relapsing-remitting fashion over the years, with symptoms coming and disappearing. Individuals with POTS usually see some improvement and functional recovery, but some residual symptoms are common.