In times of uncertainty and difficulty, our elders often become our guiding light, offering wisdom that resonates through the ages. In this timeless tale, a grandmother imparts a simple yet profound lesson to her granddaughter during a challenging phase in her life. While the original author of this narrative remains unknown, its message of resilience, faith, and adaptability speaks volumes to us all.
The story begins as a young woman approaches her wise grandmother, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about her path forward. In response, her grandmother presents her with three ordinary items – a carrot, some eggs, and coffee beans. These items, she explains, are symbols of the virtues the young woman needs to flourish in life.
Together, they journey to the kitchen, where the grandmother places three pots of water on the stove, bringing them to a boil. Into the first pot, she drops the carrots, into the second, the eggs, and into the third, the coffee beans. They silently simmer.
After some time, the grandmother turns off the heat. She takes out the carrots and places them in a bowl, then removes the eggs and ladles out the brewed coffee into a cup. Pointing to each item, she imparts her wisdom.
“These carrots,” she says, “represent clarity of vision. The eggs nurture your mind. And coffee? It invigorates your spirit.”
Curiosity piqued, the granddaughter eagerly shares her observations – the carrots, the eggs, and the coffee. The grandmother guides her to feel the softened carrots, peel an egg to reveal its hard interior, and savor the aroma and taste of the coffee. And then, the granddaughter asks the question that lingers in the air.

“What is the lesson behind this, grandmother?”
The grandmother smiles warmly and explains that each of these items, when subjected to the same adversity – boiling water – reacts differently. The once firm carrots have softened, the fragile eggs have become solid inside, and the coffee beans have transformed the water itself.
This tale serves as a powerful reminder that challenges shape us in various ways, and it is up to us to choose how we respond. Will we soften like the carrot, wither under pressure? Will we grow hardened and rigid like the egg after enduring heartbreak and struggles? Or will we be like the coffee bean, transforming ourselves and our surroundings, thriving even in the face of adversity?
At this thought-provoking moment, the grandmother poses a question to her granddaughter: “In the face of adversity, are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
Deep in thought, the granddaughter ponders her answer before responding. She reflects on her own reactions to life’s pressures and shares her insights.
“Am I like the carrot, appearing strong but withering when faced with hardships? Do I lose my vitality when confronted with life’s trials? It reminds me of those who start strong but become fragile in the face of challenges.”
“Do I resemble the egg, once adaptable but now hardened with the heat of life’s struggles? Has my once flexible spirit turned rigid after enduring heartbreak and difficulties? It’s like those who begin with an open heart but grow unyielding when tested by life.”
“Or perhaps, on the outside, I may seem unchanged, but inside, have I grown bitter and tough, with a spirit that’s no longer receptive?”
At this moment of introspection, the coffee bean becomes a symbol of hope. The coffee bean not only endures the boiling water but transforms it, elevating itself and its surroundings. It is in the toughest of times that the coffee bean thrives the most.
The grandmother’s question continues to linger in the granddaughter’s mind, and it invites us all to reflect upon our own reactions to life’s pressures. In the boiling pot of life, are we the carrot, the egg, or the coffee bean?
I invite you to share this insightful tale with your loved ones and see how they perceive themselves. May it spark meaningful conversations and inspire us all to be coffee beans, transforming ourselves and the world around us.