They didn’t seem to care about school when Haley, Kassidy, and Sierra arrived at Valley High School in Las Vegas.
The triplets reacted defensively to authority individuals like teachers, counselors, and other adults. They remained close, frequently skipped class, and had dismal grades.
However, Valley High School welcomed the triplets into the GEAR UP Program rather than rejecting them.

The federal Higher Education Act includes a GEAR UP program designed to assist low-income students in gaining knowledge, receiving encouragement, and becoming ready for success in postsecondary education.
The triplets progressed as much as they felt secure with the GEAR UP crew.
Finally, they also revealed their terrible situation, worse than anyone could have imagined.

When they were only three years old, the triplets lost their mother. When they were in the sixth grade, their father was imprisoned.
When Haley, Kassidy, and Sierra moved in with a grandma, they frequently went hungry. They didn’t start attending school until they were eight since she didn’t believe in it.
They returned to live with their father once he was released from jail. But he would abandon the little girls for days at a time.
The daughters were finally taken from their father’s care when a shooting occurred inside their house while he was out.

The triplets moved in with their uncaring grandparents. The triplets lived some of their lives as homeless without access to food, clothing, and transportation.
But the girls overcame losing both of their parents and being homeless with the aid of their GEAR UP instructors.
The situation then significantly improved.
The girls completed high school by persevering and working hard to graduate!
All three girls managed to earn and keep a GPA above 3.0 while taking challenging courses, participating in extracurricular activities, and working as “unaccompanied minors.”

But it didn’t end there.
At the graduation ceremony, the FOX5 Surprise Squad intervened and surprised the girls.
The FOX5 Surprise Squad was discreetly there for their wedding due to their incredible tale of survival.

After earning their degrees, the Yeckes Triplets are taken aside in the video below. and the entire school is present as they receive the most unexpected gift ever.
The Yeckes Triplets have overcome the absence of both parents and periods of homelessness.
I’m hoping for further blessings for them because this is such a fantastic story.