When Bethani first met Tim Webb, she could tell right away that things were going to be different because of the way he smiled, his intense love of life, and his lofty aspirations. Tim’s confirmation that she shared her sentiments with him two years later came as a comfort.
Just a few weeks after their wedding, they had no idea how their lives would be completely flipped upside down!

When the warm light of that time passed, Tim and Bethani started talking about what their future together might be like. Did they intend to purchase a home and have animals? Would they raise a family?
Bethani told the news outlets that she was eager to begin trying for a baby right away, but Tim wished to hold off and savor their first few months of marriage.
She said:
“My husband insisted on waiting a full year. I didn’t mind when it actually happened, but we later learned that we had been mistaken in our excitement.”
When Bethani discovered she was expecting, they went to to the doctor for an ultrasound!
However, what happened in the doctor’s office after that was something they will always remember!

They were both informed that they were having quadruplets after the technician carefully angled the ultrasound wand scanner over her stomach.
Cathy said:
“I was in such disbelief; I could not believe it. To be honest, I believed the ultrasound technician was kidding. I was unable to believe it. My husband almost passed out, so it was a good thing he was seated.”
Because they were all naturally conceived, it was even more uncommon as neither of them had a history of this in their families. The parents understood that it only happens once every 15 million pregnancies to have four identical girls!
They were very appreciative that Bethani’s pregnancy continued to go quite smoothly and that she gave birth to McKayla, Grace, Abigail, and Emily, four identical girls.

The couple was fortunate that their neighborhood came together to support them. Residents of their town organized a fundraiser to make sure they had all they needed.
“It’s quite fantastic because we could never accomplish this on our own.”
The couple was assisted and looked after in whatever way they could by neighbors, family members, and even total strangers, but they were aware that things would be difficult.

They are both realizing that they have kids together, and despite never having anticipated it, they are both putting in the work and making the best of their new roles.
According to Bethani, the News:
“I think my husband is used to the thought that there are four babies, but I don’t think he is used to the idea that there are four identical daughters.”
As with all relationships, there will be conflicts and difficult periods, but they are confident that everything will be worthwhile in the years to come.

The girls’ proud parents will be there for them every step of the way as they grow and develop into lovely young women.
Please TELL your family and friends about this wonderful and quite astounding story!