This is how a child who has never had a gram of sugar looks today.

Grace Cooper is two and a half years old and has never consumed a gram of manufactured sugar in her life!

Grace’s mother, Shan, has stated publicly that once her daughter is old enough to comprehend what she loves and dislikes, she will not push her to follow a rigorous diet. She simply wishes to lay a good basis for her baby’s future health.

“I’m not going to have a total meltdown if she eats a slice of bread,” Shan told the Daily Mail when the kid was only 13 months old.

“She’ll go to kids’ parties and eat everything is there. ‘You can’t eat anything at this party, but I packed you some kale, here you go,’ I’m never going to say that to Grace.”

Ms Cooper had long suffered from food allergies and had already worked to adjust her diet to accommodate them, eliminating dairy, gluten, and, finally, manufactured foods.

And when her daughter was born, it was natural for her to pass on her fruit-and-vegetable-rich diet to her child.

The diet eliminates wheat, dairy, sweets, and anything processed.

Cooper claims that Grace’s powerful immune system is due to her nutrient-dense diet.

She discovered that this diet is quite beneficial to her child!

Grace interacts with many children with runny noses and coughs, spreading infections readily. Grace, on the other hand, does not suffer from these diseases.

Grace has only had one cold, which is rather remarkable for such a young infant.

Ms Cooper believes that children are intuitive eaters, but that adults begin to eat emotionally. She want to teach her children about the meals that make her feel happy.

Grace is now two and a half years old. As you can see in the image below, she is in good health and full of brightness and enthusiasm.

“She’ll be old enough to realize she can eat whatever she wants,” Ms Cooper explains.

“She’ll probably come home high on sugar and cake and say,’mum, I’m not feeling very well.’”

And the next time she wants to eat 12 cupcakes, she might only eat three.

Females, in particular, have a disproportionate number of eating disorders… “I want Grace to eat whatever makes her happy.”

In reality, Ms Cooper taught her child how to eat in this manner. She wants to show Grace the right way, what gives her more energy and makes her feel good, so that when Grace is all grown up, she can pick for herself.

Many adults never show their children a better way. And they don’t know any better when they grow up.

It is not necessary to be overly rigid and avoid eating anything “unhealthy” or processed. It’s about knowing what foods offer you more energy and help you feel better, lighter, and healthier.

“That’s why I eat like this. I don’t believe a piece of bread will kill me.” Ms Cooper explains.

“When I go out for dinner with friends.. I’m just going to eat what’s on the menu. I’m not going to make a big deal out of it.”

“She’ll also discover what makes her happy and what doesn’t.”

Dr Rosemary Stanton, a respected nutritionist, said she would “certainly voice the alarm” to any moms considering following Ms Cooper’s example.

Dr. Stanton expressed her optimism that Ms Cooper “knows an awful lot about nutrition” and expressed concern about the diet’s lack of grains and legumes.

Ms Cooper’s nursing, though, “helps a lot,” she said. This compensates for the lack of dairy, and Ms Cooper stated that she may include it in the future.

Cooper is perplexed as to how someone could critique her daughter’s diet. She emphasizes giving her daughter “genuine” food rather than manufactured food that is mostly empty calories.

She claims that people criticize her for serving veggies to her child, yet no one criticizes a parent for serving bread to their child. It makes no sense to her.

But she has no intention of passing judgment on any parent. Her attitude is not about limiting people, but about offering them a better way and giving them all the choice in the world to choose what is best for their children.

It does not have to be a dramatic shift. Simply eliminate processed sweets from your children’s diet and replace them with more natural foods.