A mother’s destiny is to watch over her kids. You wait for them when you’re pregnant.
As soon as they finish school, you wait for them. You anticipate their return home from a night out.
When kids begin their own lives, you take care of them.

You wait for them to arrive home from work so you can prepare a lovely dinner for them.
You wait for them, filled with love, fear, and perhaps rage that vanishes as soon as you see them and get to hold them.
Don’t make your elderly mother wait any longer.
Visit her, show your affection for her, and give a big hug to the one who cared for you the most.
Don’t keep her waiting; she is counting on you to do this.
Because a mother’s heart never ages, even though her body does.
Do your best to love her.
I assure you that no one will love you as much as your mother.