The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, died in 2009 from a catastrophic cardiac event that was revealed to be caused by a mix of medicines that his personal doctor had prescribed to him.
A combination of medications that Michael Jackson’s personal doctor had prescribed for him was found to be the cause of death.
The difficulties came up when it came time to settle his estate since it was necessary to determine the worth of his likeness and image. The Michael Jackson estate claimed that the value of Jackson’s reputation had drastically declined as a result of the debates and documentaries that revisited the alleged Neverland occurrences.
The estate used this data to demonstrate how damaging the claims had been and how much they had reduced Jackson’s overall net worth. Jackson did not earn any money from his fame in the years before his passing.

It took until 2021 for the estate’s exact worth to be confirmed, and a court ruling then revealed that it was only worth $111 million, considerably less than the initial estimate of $482 million.
The only recipients of Michael Jackson’s inheritance, according to the Associated Press, which was cited in USA Today, were his mother and his three children.

According to the Associated Press, there had been over a dozen hurdles before the last evaluation, which was the final one. 13 years after his passing, the estate was finally settled, and several initiatives to try to improve the King of Pop’s reputation were in the works, including a Broadway musical and a play in Las Vegas.