After more than a week in the hospital, the singer’s wife Lucie Zolcerva-Grimm said to fans, “We don’t know what’s wrong.”

Michael Grimm has been in the hospital for more than a week with an unidentified ailment.
The singer-guitarist was “sedated” and on a ventilator in the ICU, according to the America’s Got Talent winner’s wife Lucie Zolcerva-Grimm, who posted about it on his Instagram on Tuesday.
“We’re in a position,” she said, crying as she said the health scare has “been an emotional ride.” “I know you all love Michael, and while I want to protect his privacy and his request to not disclose anything, we’re kind of in a situation.”
Lucie went on to say that over Memorial Day weekend, Michael’s health deteriorated, and she had to take him to the hospital. “You may have noticed that he was struggling with his health a lot, lacking energy, and not being able to fulfill shows,” she said.
She stated that no medical professional could determine the singer’s condition.
She remembered, “He was looking sicker and sicker; he could hardly walk; he couldn’t elevate his head; he couldn’t answer straight away when I would ask him things; he would be terribly irritable.”
Although a stroke was ultimately ruled out, Lucie claimed she took him to the hospital’s emergency room. She said that while there, “toxins” from the disease were making their way to her husband’s brain and that he “started talking gibberish,” and that “all of a sudden, physical tremors were setting in and his blood pressure was skyrocketing.”
Finally admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), Michael, the Mississippi blues singer who won season five of America’s Got Talent, has spent the whole week there.
Lucie explained that the week-long medical emergency has left her emotionally and physically tired. “For the safety of his health, they had to put him on a ventilator and sedate him pretty heavily so he wouldn’t stroke out, so he wouldn’t flatline,” she said.
“The good news is that the doctors were able to remove the ventilator finally today, and he is breathing on his own, so he’s doing good,” she said. “However, his body underwent a lot of stress during the past week. He is still under anesthesia so that he won’t flatline or seize due to his blood pressure changes.

Doctors are still unsure of the exact nature of Michael’s condition, according to Lucie, who told followers that they are taking each day as it comes and that her top concern is to simply be by his side and make sure he keeps getting better.
She praised the medical team for supporting the singer while he “remains unconscious” and warned the audience that he will need a lot of time to recover once he is awake.
“Michael will need to regain consciousness, something he hasn’t done yet. He will now need to receive physical therapy because he has been in bed for more than a week,” she added. “He now lacks voice; he must have vocal cord repair; he must also get all of his organs back to normal; they must all function; and, emotionally, he must recover from this and get back to good health. Therefore, it can take some time.”