You won’t believe what Mickey Rourke looks like after spending 15,000,000 dolars on unsuccessful cosmetic surgeries
Actor Mickey Rourke is considered one of the “bad guys” in Hollywood.
He left boxing for a career in acting and quickly became famous for his roles in action movies.
The star was recently caught by paparazzi in a restaurant in Beverly Hills, and the images shocked the fans.
At 68, Mickey Rourke is unrecognizable. Although he dresses like a young man and tries to hide his age, the star is unrecognizable.
He was caught by the paparazzi the other day while having lunch with some friends at a restaurant in Beverly Hills, but the actor is unrecognizable and does not bring at all with the boxer from the movie “The Wrestler”, which made him famous.

Addicted to cosmetic surgery, Rourke has completely destroyed his face and is full of scars, left and multiple interventions, but also the fists earned in the matches during the period when he fought in the ring as a boxer.
Moreover, the marks on his cheek show that he underwent new failed interventions on his face.
After giving up his boxing career, he resorted to cosmetic surgery to regain his face from the blows received.
In the past, the actor from “The Wrestler” talked about the challenges he went through over the years, revealing why he resorted to cosmetic surgery.
He had implants on his cheekbones, completely changed his teeth, reconfigured his jaw, then had hair implants and reshaped his lips. He operated on his nose more than 50 times.

“Most of all, I wanted to get my face back from the punches I received in boxing.
But I didn’t go to the right person to rebuild it. I had a broken nose twice.
I had five nose surgeries and one damaged cheek.
“They took cartilage from my ear so I could reconstruct my nose, then other interventions followed because the tissue did not heal, it was one of the most painful operations I did,” the actor told Daily Mail in 2019.
Mickey also spoke openly about drug and alcohol addiction and took all the blame for the decline of his career in recent years.
“The fact that I ruined my career had nothing to do with drugs and alcohol. It was about my attitude. I argued that acting is not a job for a real man.

I yelled at the directors, threatened the producers, even forgot my agent’s name.
I knew that all this was not good for my career – to surround myself with inappropriate people – but stupidly I thought that I would not be a strong man if I change “, the actor added.
Mickey Rourke, real name Philip Andre Rourke, Jr., was born on September 16, 1952, and is an American actor, screenwriter and former professional boxer.
For a while, he also left acting and entered the world of professional boxing. In 2005, however, Rourke reappeared on the big screen with the role of Marv in “Sin City”.
The film The Wrestler brought Rourke, after a considerable absence and a tumultuous personal life, in 2009, the Golden Globe for “Best Actor in a Drama”, and an Oscar nomination. He has a fortune of over $ 15,000,000.