Dads are special gifts to the world, and should be treated as such.

Unfortunately, many sons and daughters often wait until Father’s Day to tell their dads how important they are.

Even the little things can make a dad’s day, so there’s really no excuse to not show Dad how much he means to you on a daily basis.

Whether you slip him a sweet card, or just call to say you love him, there’s a lot you can and should do to the man who watched you grow up.

Here are nine little things you should tell your dad right now.

  1. “Thank you.”
    Let’s face it, parents do a heck of a lot for their children. They may seem strict or misunderstanding at times, but they’re certainly doing their best.

Don’t forget to thank your dad for all the times you’ve talked back or acted out. Raising kids may not be an easy task, but raising adults is near impossible.

Dad deserves some serious appreciation.

  1. “Can I help?”
    If you’re like me, you can’t possibly count all of the times your dad has helped you with something, from changing a flat tire to sneaking that extra cookie around Mom.

He’s been my personal handyman and advice-giver for two decades, and I think it’s time I returned the favor.

  1. “These are all the amazing things I’ve learned from you.”

As someone who’s not a parent, I can only imagine the reward of knowing you’ve made a positive impact on your child’s life.

Parents teach so many important life skills to their kids, and often get little recognition.

Praise your dad for all of the spectacular, unique things he’s taught you over the years. It will certainly put a smile on his face.

  1. “You’re so important to me.”
    While this may sound like simply pointing out the obvious, telling someone of their importance is much more special than you realize.

Especially for parents with distant or independent children, knowing they’re valued by their child can be a huge source of comfort and motivation.

  1. “What do you want to do today?”
    Of course you should be asking Dad this question on Father’s Day, but you shouldn’t have to wait until a designated day to do something nice for your dad.

Raising a child often means having a lot less time for yourself, so Dad deserves to make up for lost time. Catch up with Dad over beers and pizza, or hit up a baseball game with him as often as you can.

  1. “Remember when…?”

Parents love to reminisce, so let Dad break out the embarrassing home videos for once. Let him laugh over the silly things you said, even if it makes you seriously cringe on the inside.

Better yet, swap stories with Dad over something to drink (courtesy of you, of course). Taking time to talk and truly bond with the coolest dude around can be so much fun.

  1. “Your dad jokes are on point.”

Dads just love to make people laugh, especially their kids.

It doesn’t take much to give him the satisfaction of a successful dad joke, but pride will be boosted for a long time. Besides, dad jokes are actually pretty funny.

8. “Let’s go out to dinner sometime. My treat, of course.”

For a child who’s moved out of the house, just seeing your dad for dinner can be super special. It doesn’t matter whether you go out or stay in; your company is what’s most important.

Dad has probably picked up the bill more times than you can even recollect, so let the next couple of times be on you.

9. “I love you so much.”

So simple, yet so effective. Those beautiful, powerful five words work every time.